Having kids can really take its toll on you. It can alter your body and give you a shape you no longer love. You have carried a human inside you for 9 months. It was no easy thing to do, so you should be proud of what your body has done. Unfortunately, if your confidence is shot after having children you are not alone, it is thought that a whopping 62% of moms don’t like the way they look after having kids. 

There are things you can do to make yourself feel better though so all is not lost. Here are three ideas that may help you bounce back and find that happiness again.

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New Wardrobe 

Everybody loves shopping for new clothes. After having children you might be a completely different shape to the one you were pre-baby so shopping for new clothes is something that may need to be done. Trying on a variety of clothes can not only make you look good it can do magical things to your confidence and self-esteem. However, it’s still okay to want to wear your maternity clothes as that is what you feel most comfortable in, many moms continue to wear maternity and nursing clothes long after they have children. 

Figure-hugging jeans can be your friend and when you find a pair of jeans that were made for you, you will never want to take them off. 

New Hairstyle 

A new hairstyle can completely change your look, for the better. If you are unsure of what style to go for then pop into the salon and get the hairdresser to give you a few ideas, they are hair experts after all. If you have long hair you might want to change it up and go for a short bob style, or asymmetric style where one side is much longer than the other. A simple hair color can give you a brand new lease of life as well, you may be bored of the usual brown and go for something more upbeat and vibrant such as red. 

Social Scene

Finally, when you become a parent it is essential you don’t kiss goodbye to your social life, this is one of the things that will keep you sane. You will of course meet some new friends as a parent if you go to mother and baby class. It is very good for you to go out and have some fun as an adult, sometimes you just need that grown-up company and conversation. 

If you are looking for love and romance then you can head out to bars or clubs and strike up conversations there, or you can use online platforms to meet gentlemen in your area. You could even use chat lines and chatroom services if you wanted to meet people this way. There are many available and you can meet handsome men and strike up a connection with them. If you are not sure how to do this or how they work you could take a look at chatline blogs and read some cool articles about ways of finding love and what to do once you’ve found it.
