The Healthcare Industry: A Prognosis — zenruption

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Since President Donald Trump took office earlier this year, his administration has been subject to a lot of controversy. The degree to which he is inviting what may well be diversionary incidents is a matter of debate, but the fact remains that his actions are having a real effect on the people from whom he claims to have a mandate. The latest event that has provoked widespread ire and disbelief is his decision to share classified information with Russian diplomats. While it is not illegal, since the President can declassify just about anything, it was not a good choice. The nature of diplomacy is such that if that information needed to be shared, it could have been done in a safer, more considered way. Besides, the information in question was supplied to American intelligence services by an unknown country, one which will likely think twice before sharing anything with the United States again. The whole situation also raises more questions than it answers about Trump’s potential involvement with Russia, especially since it comes just a few days after Trump’s highly publicized (and political) decision to fire the FBI director James Comey.

A lot of people are also questioning Trump’s domestic policy. While he has failed to implement quite a few of his unworkable election promises, he can claim some degree of success with his AHCA (American Health Care Act) which was passed by the House of Representatives recently. It is controversial because it will cover 22 million fewer Americans and at a greater cost overall. It has also been strongly criticized because it will make pregnancy, cancer, and obesity pre-existing conditions. This means that people who have experienced with these things and many more in the past will find it impossible or prohibitively expensive to get insurance. It is easy to see why people from around the world are so bemused by how a country like America could allow this sort of thing. While many people may criticize services like the NHS in the UK or the Medicare system in Australia (which Trump unknowingly praised as better than America’s recently), they do not allow the people most in need to die unnecessarily, especially when there is the money and resources to help them.

The paradigm of healthcare in the US is such that it has prompted people to look for alternatives. Top telemedicine companies, for instance, are responding to the situation by utilizing technology. Apart from that, it makes sense that people see it useful to focus on viable alternatives that give deeper meaning to healthcare delivery. Admittedly, America's healthcare system is saddled with so many problems that to resolve each one means going all the way down to the fundamentals. Indeed, this might be challenging to do and is probably why the healthcare gap continues to widen.

Whether Trump’s AHCA will pass the Senate remains to be seen, but many people expect that it will have a much harder time there than it did in the House. Either way, the health of the country depends on it.

