4 Steps Towards Setting Up A New Business — zenruption

It’s a heavily saturated market in the small business world right now, but that doesn’t mean there’s no space left for you. After all, you have a great idea, and you’re full of energy, which is why you’re here right? The sooner you have your brand out there, the better; so make sure you’ve covered the following 5 points to setting yourself up in business. Strong coffee isn’t one of the points, but may well help.

Your Idea

Is there a gap in the market for your idea or product? If there is, brilliant, you’ve already got your USP sorted out. If there isn’t a gap or overwhelming need for your business; you have to ensure that you’re a better one. It’s time to see if your product surpasses what’s already out there, or if whatever service you provide can’t be beaten for a company of your size. Knowing your idea is fresh, exciting and will appeal for multiple reasons, will put your business venture in good stead for the future.

Image found here

Your Presence

This sounds like an obvious point; but if you’re nowhere to be seen, in the business world, you don’t exist. By now you should have a company name and a fairly strong idea of what your brand identity is; now you can start setting up your off and online presence. Getting this area sorted as soon as possible is important and does not have to be expensive; you just need to ensure your name is out there. Organize your social media handles, secure a cheap domain name, and start spreading the news!

Image found here: http://startupstockphotos.com/post/123128608821/at-barrel-soho-nyc

Your Marketing

Following up on your online presence; it’s time to start shouting about it and ensuring all the right people hear about your business. Use all your online avenues, and start networking at suitable events to meet those who are going to help your business get up the ladder. Ensure you have your business cards and promotional printouts at the ready, to hand them out wherever possible. Try and be creative with your marketing ideas; people have seen a lot before; so attract interest and customers by being unique, witty and smart.

Image from PEXELS

Your Availability

Once your brand name is out there, you need to be available. Check that you have enough stock ready, or at least the means to produce enough if you get an order in; if you’re unable to meet an order with a customer or buyer, they are unlikely to return to your business again. Help on what to do if you receive an unexpected order: https://www.americanexpress.com/us/small-business/openforum/articles/do-today-prepare-for-a-huge-order-tomorrow/. If your business is service based, ensure you’re ready to provide that service straight away. It’s sound obvious; however, small companies who aren’t prepared for an influx of business, fall at the first hurdle, because customers will seek what they want elsewhere, and quickly. So, when it comes to stock, service and customer engagement, make sure it’s all available from the get-go.

Image via pexels.com

If you’ve completed all of the steps and gone through them with a fine-tooth-comb, then congratulations and good luck; your new venture should be ready to hit the market with force, and will create an impact in its field. Keeping up consistency throughout all of the previous points will make sure that your brand will build trust and a loyal customer following, enabling it to go from strength to strength.

