Back in my twenties, going out on the town was a common occurrence. My friend and I typically drank beer. Our tastes had yet to mature. We did enjoy some whiskey, but not neat. We drank, at that time, Old Fashioneds. Now, I typically drink wine and like my whiskey on ice with no mixers. Back then, though, the Old Fashioned did the trick. Here is a recipe for an old favorite.
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An Old Fashioned is a classic cocktail that has been around for over a century. It is a simple yet sophisticated drink that combines whiskey, sugar, bitters, and a twist of citrus. Here's how to make an Old Fashioned:
- 2 oz whiskey (bourbon or rye)
- 1 sugar cube or 1 tsp of simple syrup
- 2 dashes of Angostura bitters
- Ice
- Orange peel or lemon peel
- Maraschino cherry (optional)
1. Place the sugar cube or simple syrup in an old fashioned glass.
2. Add the bitters to the glass and use a muddler or the back of a spoon to gently crush the sugar and bitters together.
3. Add a large ice cube or a few smaller ones to the glass.
4. Pour the whiskey over the ice and stir gently to combine.
5. Use a vegetable peeler or knife to cut a twist of citrus peel (orange or lemon) and express the oils over the drink by twisting the peel over the glass.
6. Add the citrus peel to the glass and stir again.
7. If desired, garnish with a maraschino cherry.
8. Serve and enjoy your delicious Old Fashioned!
Note: You can adjust the sweetness of the drink by adding more or less sugar or simple syrup to taste. You can also experiment with different types of whiskey and bitters to find your preferred flavor profile.