by Lina Martinez

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Motivation when it comes to your business comes in ebbs and flows. As a business owner you are responsible for everything that is happening within your business, from customers, employees, costs, and reviewing your competition to ensure you remain competitive. You have to oversee everything from employee health insurance to the monthly budgets and everything in between - which can become a little overwhelming.

Keeping your motivation up is one of the most important parts to ensure your business keeps moving forward and you are working to attain your goals. By using these methods you will be able to keep your motivation and ensure you are continuing to build success. 

Know The Purpose

There is always a goal driving every entrepreneur. Of course, everyone is striving for financial success from their business but usually, there is more, a bigger purpose, driving the business. These reasons will vary from person to person but can range from offering a more eco-friendly solution, keeping people safe to making individuals feel better. If you are ever finding your motivation lacking, go back to this purpose. Remember why you are wanting your business to succeed, this will then inspire you to continue with the business. 

Knowing Yourself

A little self-reflection and self-understanding will go a long way. If you know how your mind works and what spurs you on, you will be able to dig into this and pull your motivation back when it is needed. 

This same trait can be applied when your business faces a hurdle along the way. By knowing how to harness your skills to overcome any problem in itself is a core motivator. It builds up your own self-confidence and enthusiasm within your business. 

Take Inspiration From Others

When you find your motivation and enthusiasm lacking listening to others can spark that motivation back to you. Where possible try to associate yourself with like-minded people who can remind you of your successes. Alternatively, you could listen to podcasts from other successful business persons and leaders whose tales and insights can inspire. Events such as leadercast 2021 host sites are also an active way to engage and find inspiration from others. With inspiration comes motivation. 

Control Your Mind

Your mind is a powerful tool and it can rule our minds and cause overwhelm and demotivation. You may not even realize it is happening but your subconscious is always working away in the background and influences your thought and emotions. 

If you can learn to assess how your thoughts influence certain emotions you will be able to formulate a plan to ignite desired emotional responses. A positive emotion will help your motivation and spirits up and you working on the right track. 

Change Your Habits

How you feel and perform is directly linked to habits you have. By ensuring good habits are ingrained within your routine will help combat a lack of motivation. For example, making the choice to eat well will ensure you have high energy levels and you are not feeling sluggish throughout the day. By doing regular exercise releases endorphins and applies a positive mental attitude to the day ahead.
