Happiness is important at work. If people are happy, then they’ll do a better job. It’s as simple as that. If they enjoy their job and are happy in the constraints of the role they’re in then they’re going to be far more productive and a stronger asset to your business. Gone are the days where it would be nose to the grindstone at the office from start to finish. Nowadays, it’s all about flexibility and happiness. Some companies have tested a four day week and seen that people are just as, or even more productive. It’s about thinking outside the box. With that said, each industry will go about things in a different way. Here are some tips to get the thoughts percolating. 

Ensure They’re Working In A Nice Place

If they’re working somewhere dark and dingy then their mood will follow suit. Ensure it’s somewhere great. Maybe something different to the tired old office block. Many business owners are converting homes into offices. Besides providing the office, it's a great investment. Of course, you can find homes ranging from large to palatial but the important thing is in finding something perfect for you. One which you can turn into the perfect work space. Think about a top quality breakroom, outside space, and relaxing décor. Tastes vary, but in most cases you can find a consensus as to what’s nice and what isn’t. 

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Remember To Have A Laugh

This isn’t to say they should be sitting laughing and joking all day to the detriment of work. Instead, they should be able to have the odd joke to lighten the mood and have that all important break from work. Whether you’re cracking Chuck Norris jokes or taking a few minutes to watch a funny video someone found on YouTube. Allowing that relaxation just makes things so much nicer for everyone and laughter certainly induces happiness for all. It doesn’t always have to be on a lunch break too. Remember, you don’t want to try and force fun. Instead, let it flow naturally. You can do this by allowing the odd chat outside of work based conversation to take place. 

Get Them Expert Help

There’s nothing worse than asking them to do work that they don’t really know how to do, or setting expectations too high. It happens quite a lot and sometimes employees take to it quite naturally, while other times, it puts them under undue pressure. It’s like asking an employee to manage a CBO Facebook ads campaign or wondering if they can develop elements of your business website. It’s a technical skill which might not be in their repertoire. So you either need to give them the time they need to train and upskill them, or get expert help from outside in the shape of a freelancer or someone who knows exactly what to do when required. This will keep your employees happy, and also ensure no mistakes are made in your business that could turn into pretty nasty time sucks. You can find this help online easily enough, just make sure they’re all properly vetted beforehand. 
