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Not every business can carry out monthly onboarding and training weekends where recruits get the chance to see their new office. Whether because of budget or time restraints, some companies need to train their employees on the job. For these candidates, it is a fantastic way to show employees you care about their progress and commitment to the company, but a busy manager must understand the best ways to train them, especially as everyone learns a little differently. 

Outline Everything They Need to Know 

If you are hiring for the first time, you won't have a clear outline in place. This is to be expected for small, fledgling businesses, but it’s also something you should try to avoid. You already have some experience in this role, so think about what you have dealt with and include it in the training materials. This can give your employees an immediate understanding of their role, and covering the basics will allow them to hit the ground running on their first day, which can make everything run much more smoothly. 

Provide Background Support 

You may not have the chance to cover everything in a single day, though. If this is the case, you can still provide background support and use phone monitoring to check how they perform their tasks. As they are still learning, there are bound to be a few mistakes along the way, but you can use these mistakes to help them learn. You can tell them you are monitoring them, or you can do it privately and provide feedback after the fact. 

Offer Growth Opportunities 

Every business hopes some of its employees will remain with the company for as long as possible, and you can make this more likely by giving them more opportunities to grow and learn about the business. While some employees are happy to do their work and go home as soon as the clock strikes five, others need to know they can progress, earn more, and succeed. By giving them these opportunities, you can prepare them for senior positions that will make them more confident and capable once they get promoted, putting the business in safe hands. 

Create Real-Life Scenarios

There are only so many fake scenarios that your employees can experience before they start to feel like they are not learning as much as they could. This is where real-life scenarios come in. This approach has proven to be an excellent training method, especially in the e-learning industry where it’s difficult to cultivate the right type of atmosphere. It’s easy for employees to learn how to deal with everyday demands, but there will also be unique problems they need to overcome, and creating these scenarios for them will make them more competent on the job. 

Effective Training 

Putting in the effort to train your team now will greatly benefit your business in the future. There are bound to be a few employees who are apprehensive or even don’t believe in themselves. But, with proper training that covers all the basics as well as other scenarios, they will soon find the confidence to perform and improve on the job.
