by Zoe Zorka

You’re likely reading this because you plan on having some renovation work done to your commercial premises. You’ve probably decided that your business premises needs a refresh, or perhaps you wish to expand your workspaces to accommodate more staff. Once you have put these mental wheels in motion, action is next, and the need for the best Commercial Contractors in your vicinity will be high on your list.

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Arguably the biggest danger to human health that you’re ever likely to encounter in commercial building renovation work is asbestos. It’s a type of fiber used worldwide in various building materials but is now outlawed for the most part.

That’s because asbestos fibers can cause asbestosis (long-term inflammation and scarring of the lungs) and cancer. To prevent inhalation of asbestos fibers from building materials, it makes sense to analyze samples of items most likely to contain asbestos. A scientific process known as polarized light microscopy is an excellent way of identifying if any samples have asbestos fibers in them.

As asbestos can be so harmful to your health, if you find any signs of this or any samples that do contain asbestos fibers, it is wise to get this treated with the help of professionals. A specialist Asbestos Removal company can eradicate the problem, with safe and effective solutions. 


Your commercial workspace undoubtedly contains a lot of plumbing for fresh mains water and wastewater. One challenge of renovating an old commercial building is that there will likely be some damaged plumbing hidden in the depths of the premises.

The thing about water is that it can erode metal pipes carrying fresh mains water or wastewater and that erosion can eventually lead to leaks. Sometimes, those leaks can occur in pipes encased in concrete, resulting in other building problems to remedy.

Whenever you have any renovation work conducted at your premises, always have a thorough inspection of your plumbing carried out. That way, you can identify existing issues or any causes for concern and have them repaired immediately.

Electrical Wiring

Another hidden danger commonly found in commercial buildings is faulty electrical wiring. If you’ve recently had your electrical wiring renewed throughout your premises, you can ignore this section.

However, if you’re unsure whether your wiring was ever renewed, now’s the time to have your electrics inspected and repaired or replaced as necessary. Faulty electrical wiring can pose a serious risk to human health and could even cause your building to catch fire.

Structural Defects

Did you know that even relatively modern commercial buildings can experience structural defects? The causes can range from poor building practices (i.e., the construction company “cut corners” to save money) through to general wear and tear.

If you’re planning on having any major renovation work, such as extending your premises, you should get a building inspector to conduct a stringent survey of your building. You can then identify any causes for concern and have them rectified.


It might seem scary that so many potential dangers can lurk in a commercial building. However, it’s relatively straightforward to identify them and get them remedied before your renovation work gets carried out in earnest.
