By Troy Lambert

Sometimes it’s good to duck behind the scenes and see just how the things we see on the day of a show or an event come to be. 

Such is the case with Treefort10, a music festival in Boise, Idaho. This year expectations and excitement are high. Mainly because, you know, pandemic interruptions and stuff. It shows, even in the attitudes of those setting things up. 

All the Forts

For those of you new to the Boise area or the Treefort scene, the event has become about much more than just music, with Storyfort for readers, writers, and anyone who loves a good story; Hackfort for the techies and computer guys, and Alefort for – well, that one is pretty self-explanatory. 

All of these require a bit of setup. And the fans are not watching that process. But I went down to do just that.



First things first. When you walk into Treefort you will see a “Rock the Shot” station. You can get tested, even get vaccinated, and get help with medical needs you might have on the spot. Of course, there are technically no restrictions this year, but…

You’ll want to have a mask with you at all times. Some areas will require masks, and if you are up close and personal with artists, many want you to be wearing a mask. Aome venues will still require masks, and without one, you’ll find yourself on the outside looking in. 

And believe me, you want to be inside. Because there are some great events going on. 



Across from the main stage you’re going to find one of my favorite spots. Alefort. There are several local breweries pouring some of the best beer in the west. And while you’re there you can take a seat, and two years ago, it also served as shelter from a pretty vicious rainstorm (we can skip that this year, Mother Nature, please and thank you). 

Not that Alefort is the only place to get a drink. Downtown offers everything from coffee, water, and Italian sodas to whiskey and craft cocktails that will blow your mind. Many of these are offered at various venues, so be sure to drop by Mad Swede, Barbarian Brewing and others.

The Stages

Main Stage

Of course, there are countless stages where bands will be performing, but some of the biggest acts will be right here, on the main stage. It takes a bit of setting up, and when I stopped by, crews were hard at work getting things ready. 

Soon this lot, and the tent areas behind me not shown in these photos, will be filled with fans, and the air will be filled with the sounds of indie music. The passion that goes with it is sure to inspire even the most casual of watchers.

It’s in the Details

Everywhere you look, you see someone setting up something that, while it may seem small, will make a big difference to the overall experience. From the signup and ticket booth to the volunteer tent, the staff of Treefort is here to serve you. 

You’ll have to come down to see what these odd structures are for, but I can tell you the whole idea is really cool. 

“We love to do things like this,” Amber, a University of Idaho architecture student told me. “It benefits the attendees, and besides, we get to listen to some great music when we’re done.” She held up her left wrist to show me her festival pass.

“That’s awesome,” I told her. “Hope to see you tomorrow.”

And we hope we see you, too. Join us a Treefort. Some great people went to a lot of work to get it ready for you. 

But first, let me take a selfie. See you all soon!

Troy trying out the Selfie Shed

