PR & Video: Awesome Advice For Improving Engagement — zenruption

By Brian McKay

The traditional methods of press releases, white papers, and case studies are still a vital component of PR. But are you taking advantage of video? It’s one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged and is also one of the most shared mediums online. If you are looking for a new angle to your future PR campaigns, video can deliver.


That said, you have to get it right. Although you can create PR videos for next to nothing on a smartphone, it won’t have that professional sheen most businesses will need. The cost of hiring production companies, actors and cameras soon stack up, so it’s vital that you do a great job first time around. With this in mind, here is some excellent advice for embracing video in your next PR campaign.

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New angles

First of all, video gives you an opportunity to do something different - so make sure you use it as such. It’s a pointless exercise if you are just going to repeat what you have already said in all your white papers, press releases and case studies. That’s not to say you can’t use them for inspiration. But on video, you are much better off telling a story, or finding the human angle behind the facts and figures.

Keep it simple

Don’t overegg the pudding when using video for PR. It’s important to understand that you aren’t making an advert. Yes, you can be creative, but your essential message needs to shine through above everything else. And keep the flow of the video nice and straightforward, too. Form a top-down overview, and only use the topics you believe will be relevant and of interest to your audience. The idea is for the viewer to stick around to the end. They won’t if your boss is just waffling on for 90 minutes about your company history.

Source - flickr

Choose the right production partner

If you want to engage your audience, it is essential to work with a professional production company. It will make such a difference, from lighting through to sound. Look around and find a company that has worked in your industry before. Let's say you are a sports PR company. Companies such as Mob Film have plenty of experience working with sports stars, so might be a good fit. Now let's say you are an estate agent. With a company that has plenty of experience filming with drones, you can benefit from aerial shots to show off your properties from a new angle. The point is, choose a production company who can bring the experience of what you need to the table.

Concentrate on sharing

Finally, to benefit from the power of video, you need to focus on making it easy for people to share it with their network. You might create a masterpiece, but once that video finishes, most people will just turn off. Don’t let them. Include share buttons wherever your video is being hosted. You can also start a hashtag trend to give people a further chance to connect. Do not underestimate the need to market your video once you have launched. It’s the only way it will become a success and is the most important step if you want success.


Brian McKay is a co-founder of zenruption. He has a B.A. in Political Science from Gonzaga University and an M.B.A. from Boise State University (yes that blue field). His goal in life is to look out for the regular guy and bring as much knowledge and change to this world as he can. His purpose in founding Zenruption was to do just that and help craft the world he wants his daughter to inherit. Please feel free to email him any feedback or article ideas at  On twitter: @brianmckay71

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