How to Integrate Instagram into your Website or Blog — zenruption

Instagram, which is by far one of the best photo sharing social networks, is becoming more and more popular by the day. There are more than 400 million Instagram users around the world. This is pretty much the reason why worldwide brands are jumping onto that Instagram bandwagon without hesitation.

However, when it comes to web design and Instagram, web designers will always question how Instagram can be integrated into a web design. Well, keep reading for some important facts, tips, and ideas before hopping onto the so-called IG train.

With Instagram, it takes minutes for you to capture a photo, edit or crop that photo, play with some color effects and share it with all your Instagram followers. Everyone who follows you on IG will be able to view your uploads, leave a comment or even share the photos with their followers. Therefore, Instagram is one of the best platforms to put your brand out there. It is also a good channel for you to communicate with your fans and clients by encouraging social engagement on the social network.

However, having your Instagram photos embedded on your website or blog is the best way of making your brand known. To help integrateInstagram into your website easily, here are 6 important tools that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Kickstagram- Instagram marketing tool, which can kickstart your Instagram marketing campaigns. 

Tint – This is an embeddable tool that allows all Instagram users to easily display their photos, display other users’ photos and hash-tagged photos.

Statigram –Whenever you need to view stats or analytics about your participation on Instagram, then this is the tools for you.

Snapwidget – As a website owner, you need to link your Instagram photos to your website. And what better tool to help you make that happen than Snapwidget? This tool makes it very easy for you to display your IG gallery on your website.

The Instagram widget – Just like Snapwidget, the Instagram widget makes it easy for Instagram users to show their IG photos on their website.

Webstagram – Need to snoop on your followers and/or friends? Then this is the best tool for that. Webstagram is a web viewer that allows Instagram users to check out what their followers have been up to. This tool will actually help you know if your

followers find your website worth visiting. Webstagram also comes with a ‘follow me on Instagram’ icon that your website visitors can click on and find your IG profile with ease.

In conclusion, integrating social media into your blogs and websites is something you should consider. By doing so, you will be increasing your chances of gaining a lot of traffic to the website. Therefore, as much as you leave a ‘follow me on Instagram’ button and Instagram photos on your website, you should also ensure that you allow your visitors to share your content or rather bookmark your uploads.

When people like your pages and/or share your pages, then that is a good sign. It will actually mean that your website is interesting and interactive enough. It is also a surety that your site is headed for nothing but success.


Walter Moore is a freelance writer and online contributor. He has covered a wide range of topics during his career and worked with various sites. He is passionate about business and technology. Visit the site for more information about Instagram followers.

