by Missy Stone

It’s hard to watch our senior relatives age and see the impacts that come with it. Unfortunately, it happens to all of us and certain issues typically rear their heads with advancing age. We always love them and want to ensure quality of life and safety for them.

As many of our loved one’s age, there might be issues they neglect, and we need to help them navigate. It is never easy to call attention to an issue that indicates advancing age.

Compiled here are three prominent concerns to help care for our aging relatives.

Hearing Care

Loss of hearing is extremely common with age. Many of us have seen the cliché in movies and shows where the younger family member is yelling in order for a senior adult to hear them. It seems this is often an issue that is first noticed by those other than the senior. It can be frustrating for all parties involved, for sure.

Hearing loss can also present safety issues for those we love. The inability to properly hear threatening situations can lessen the time to respond.

We are all aware of the benefit of hearing aids but navigating the market can be tricky. Professional organizations like,, help new customers with proper fit and amplification, to ensure efficiency and benefit. Tailoring the hearing aid to lifestyle is another important consideration that a professional organization will consider. When that time comes, turn to the pros for the true benefit of your aged relative.

 In addition to selecting the right hearing aid, it's equally essential to ensure that your elderly relatives are under proper care and supervision. If your relative has hearing issues and there isn't anyone available to assist them at home, it can pose safety risks. In such cases, it may be beneficial to consider options for senior living newton ma, or elsewhere, where they can receive the care and support they need. These facilities are often equipped to handle the unique needs of seniors with hearing impairments, thus providing a safe and supportive environment for your aged relative.

Foot Care

Most of us don’t consider the necessity of foot care. It can be extremely important to ensure your senior family members get senior foot care. Taking them for care can reveal potentially severe health issues as an early warning. Also, age and time can result in issues needing remedy like circulation issues, callouses and other foot conditions.

Proper preventative care can facilitate our elderly family members in staying mobile and independent. They will thank you for it.

Elimination of Furniture Hazards

As mobility becomes slowed and limited, a lifetime collection of furniture might not be very safe. A fall can have serious consequences for us as we age. Some pieces of furniture might become hazardous due to placement or simply be hard to utilize.

It is important to eliminate furniture that is unneeded and groups like Habitat for Humanity Canada, offer great advice on how to do so.

Now that the old bed is gone, consider one that is adjustable. With that hard chair donated, look for one that is more comfortable and doesn’t slide as easily. You never know, your senior relative might delight in the change and new things. If your relative is able and can live independently then it may be worth checking out When you do, you will soon find that there are living facilities out there that can give them the best life.

Should the needs of your aging relatives move beyond these simpler health issues, we strongly recommend this comprehensive post by the palliative care experts at Care For Family

These are just a few things to consider. Age brings many considerations to make sure our elderly loved ones are happy and cared for. Hopefully, this start sheds some light on a few important things that will help those you love lead lives of great quality for many years to come.

