How to Win at Your next Trade Show — zenruption

Despite all the ways in which a business can market itself online and how important this is to modern day businesses, there is still a massive call for marketing in the physical realm. Specifically, there is still a massive call for trade shows. These types of shows and fairs have long been a marketing option that businesses have taken up. And they still hold precedence in the world of business today. Thousands upon thousands of business owners take to marketing their business at trade shows all over the world, every single year. So, if you are a business owner then you should most definitely consider taking your business to one, especially if you desperately need to improve its image. Below are a few ways you can optimise your next trade show and win that all-important ROI.

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Something that you should always remember when attending a trade show with your business is that everybody else that is there is trying to promote themselves too. Therefore, you need to do something that will help you stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is to refrain from approaching customers who are walking around the show. They will expect to be approached, and by the end of their time walking around they will more than likely be annoyed with it. instead, you should take other approaches. And there are a whole host of surefire ways to attract at a trade show that don’t include being an annoying, approaching nuisance. One way to do so is to ensure your stall is as colourful as possible. By doing this you are instantly allowing your stall the best chance possible to catch the eye of those that pass it by. As well as colours you should also adorn your stall in props, and maybe even have an employee of yours adorn themself in fancy dress. And once you attract people in this way, you should then offer them things that will make them stay in your vicinity. A competition may be the best course of action in this case.

But being successful at a trade show doesn’t just mean being successful at the show itself. It’s not just about drawing customers in and having them ‘promise to think of you’ when they want to business in your market. No, you need to leave a lasting impression. And one way to do this is to record a video that documents your business’s time at the show. By seeking the services of video camera crews you can have a professional video recorded that perfectly documents your time at the show. But why would you do this? Well, because it will allow you to extend the experience of your business’s stand even after the show. This means that any potential customer who was not able to get down to see you in person can see the work you did there and experience the buzz you generated. Remember, a stall lasts for as long as the trade show is on, but a video that captured your experiences at the show will last a lifetime.

Attending a trade show is still one of the best ways a business can market itself. If you choose this venture, however, you should budget for it appropriately. You should pinpoint the ROI you are seeking to make and work from there. Remember, it’s not a case of ‘my stall is bigger than your stall’. It’s a case of marketing yourself in a way that will return your business with the best return on investment possible.

