Rock Your Recruitment Process With These Tips — zenruption

When you come to a point in your company that you can finally hire more staff, it should feel like you’ve arrived. As a business owner, you cannot build an empire without good support. If you have managed to grow your business to a point you require help, it means you are going the right way in your success. The recruitment process should be streamlined so that you can filter the candidates who have applied for the job you are offering. Hiring new employees is never an easy process, especially if your company is a desirable one to work for.

Good leaders view new people joining their business as an investment in their future, as well as the future of the employee. With our guide, you can make your recruitment process straightforward enough to find that dream candidate:    

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Competency. So, you’ve put up the job that is available across the job boards and the CV’s have started rolling in. You need to start checking whether the prospective candidates are competent for the job you have available. Check their skills, their work history, and their education but don’t forget to check their hobbies, too. That can say a lot about a person, and you want to be interested enough in their CV to bring them in for an interview.

Capability. If you’ve discarded the CVs that don’t fit, you should be left with a pile full of information that is right for your role. Are the people you’re bringing in for interview capable to do the role they’ve applied for? Check through their education history again, look for people who have taken the initiative to further education with sites like and make a note. Those with extra qualifications have a desire to succeed.

Right For The Company. The CVs you’re reading are attached to people and those people have to be right for the company. When you make your interview shortlist, one of your questions you have to ask yourself is whether the person in front of you will be right for the company.

Committed. The person you bring in should show a willingness to be committed to the company and its values. This should be easy to spot in an interview. There is a marked difference between someone who is keen on progressing within a company and someone who just wants a job for the cash. You need to look for a commitment and a CV full of jobs shows someone who jumps ship often!

Personality. Interviews will allow you to instantly decide whether the person you hire will be a good character fit. They need to have values that align with yours and those of the company. You’ll, of course, get references from previous roles, but first impressions will say a lot.

Pay attention to the recruitment process as a whole and condense it. You don’t need a two or three stage process if your colleagues will only be repeating the same questions. Make it short and sweet and you will have a new recruit on board who will do well for your company.



