by Brian McKay


Technology really has made considerable leaps and bounds in the last few decades and nowhere more clearly has this progress been felt than in the field of AI. Although artificial intelligence has been part and parcel of our day-to-day lives for some time now, a lot of individuals still associate impressive technology with science-fiction dystopias and comic books. AI has also been used to create biopics and popular imagination. A recent example of this is at U2's Las Vegas concert where AI was used to help in the inauguration of Marco Brambilla Elvis A.I. art at the Sphere. It was used in creating a massive 160,000-square-foot screen to bring the king back to life in a way never seen with this technology before.  

However, as AI continues to advance and as more people are becoming aware of the AI applications in modern society, this portrayal is beginning to wane, allowing AI to become more commonplace than ever. Today, artificial intelligence is affecting all facets of our lives and has even grown to become an accepted household presence-we’re pointing at you Alexa.

While AI’s acceptance in mainstream society is still considered largely a new phenomenon, AI isn’t exactly a new concept. It has been around as far back as the 50s. It took decades of work to make considerable progress in the field to make it a reality.

Because AI has been so hyped up over the last few years, it is understandable that a lot of people don’t really understand it well. Talks of driverless cars are simply one of those things that inspire doubts and questions.

So, to help you out and to ensure that you understand just what AI has to offer today’s society, here are 5 common AI questions that you may have?

How exactly do driverless cars work?

Driverless cars are also called autonomous cars. These cars work by sensing their surrounding environment so that the car can be operated without any human intervention or involvement. Driverless cars can go just about anywhere that a traditional car goes and can handle any tasks that an experienced human driver can.

But how exactly?

Autonomous cars depend heavily on sensors, complex algorithms, actuators, powerful processors, as well as machine learning to work. These cars create and maintain a map of their environment based on a range of sensors that are located in various areas of the car.

Radar sensors are what monitor cars situated close by and what their positions are. Video cameras, on the other hand, are utilized to detect traffic lights and signs, track other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

Light detection and ranging sensors help to measure pulses of light off the vehicles’ surrounding so that distances can be measured, road edges can be detected and lane markings can be identified correctly. The ultrasonic sensors located in the wheels are what helps to detect curbs and other objects during parking.

All the sensory input is then processed by sophisticated software so that the car can plot a path and send the message to the vehicle’s actuators, which are responsible for controlling steering, braking, and acceleration.

Can I learn AI on my own?

As mentioned earlier, AI has infiltrated almost every facet of modern life. As such, learning the basic principles and practices surrounding AI, automation and cognitive systems is something that can benefit you greatly in the future, regardless of what your profession or business may be.

You can learn AI by applying to a university course. However, you can also learn through various online courses that have popped up in recent years. These online courses cover everything AI-related from the basics to the advanced stuff.

Some of these courses are designed to learners that are looking to dive right into coding their own neural networks- these kinds of courses assume that you have some prior experience in the field. Others are designed for curious learners looking to get their toes wet.

The easiest and most affordable way to learn, however, is to rely on a good old AI textbook. Although reading will not give you any certification, this list of best AI books will help to prepare you for what’s ahead so that you can know what to expect when you are finally ready to invest in a learning program of your choice.

How can I use AI in my personal life?

You don’t need much to start using AI in your daily life. In fact, you may already be utilizing AI, you just don’t know it yet. Products that use AI are all around us and they are genuinely making life so much easier. If you have ever used Siri on your phone or called out to Alexa to play your favorite shower song, then you are already using AI actively in your life.

What career prospects would I enjoy if I studied AI?

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of available AI courses that can help you get started in this innovative industry. Once you complete your studies, you will have plenty of job opportunities to look forward to because almost all industries will need to incorporate AI in one form or another in the future.

Some great careers that you can consider include:

·  Become a deep learning expert or consultant

·  Software engineering

·  Machine learning expert or consultant

·  Research scientist and more

Where did the name artificial intelligence come from?

The phrase artificial intelligence has a long history, dating back to 1955 when it was used for the first time by John McCarthy. A year later in 1956 after he had coined the phrase, McCarthy invited others in the field to AI’s first-ever official conference.

As you can imagine, it wasn’t as widely attended as he had hoped. However, this conference set the ball rolling on many AI advancements, which is why we enjoy the many powerful AI tools that we have access to today.

Final Thoughts

So how will AI look like in the future? It’s hard to predict by how much this technology will have grown, but we can say for sure that it will be more prevalent than it is now. In the future, a lot of those commonsense tasks reserved for humans will now be carried out by AI, meaning that this technology will continue to become even more important as time goes on.

AI is starting to make what was once regarded as impossible possible. So, if you want to get in on this burgeoning technology, you must educate yourself and learn as much as you can to make the most use of it.

