
What Tech Companies are Looking For in Prospective Employees

Tech startups are popping up left and right. Mega companies are continuing to expand their workforce. Even organizations that operate entirely online are gaining traction. With all that considered, it is clear to see that opportunities in tech are ever-expanding, and the demand for qualified employees is higher now more than ever.

Whether you're a fresh graduate of an online Bachelor of Information Technology degree or an experienced employee wanting to shift to a career in tech, know that the industry is highly competitive given the high demand for workers. Every company wants the best of the best. So if you want to dive into this rapidly growing industry, it pays to know what qualities and skills that top tech companies are looking for:

1. Authenticity

The tech industry is no longer as traditional as it used to be. Companies don't want robots to fill their cubicles (in fact, cubicles are a thing of the past!), and if the company you're applying foris, then you're trying for the wrong job. In these modern times, tech companies are looking for personality, not the rigid "model employee" that you might think they are looking for. The modern workplace thrives off a culture of diversity and appreciates people with different personalities and backgrounds, so don't be afraid to be as authentic as you can be.

2. Independence

The best tech companies aren't looking for people who need to have someone breathing down their neck just to do their jobs. They're looking for candidates who can work on their own, with minimal instructions, without the need for a manager to constantly check in on them. And if you want to get into a company that has great leadership, you would want to look for one that trusts its workers enough to allow them to be independent.

3. Drive

Tech companies are looking for candidates with the right hard skills, that's already a given fact. However, they aren't just looking for someone who has the skills to do the job, they want someone who has the skills and is driven to improve them. Some startups are even willing to hire less experienced or less skilled candidates if they show drive to learn and hone their skills as an employee.

During the interview process, illustrate your desire to grow by sharing your strategies for self-development, be it through conferences, online courses, and educational events.

4. Grace under pressure

The tech industry can sometimes feel like a pressure cooker. Mountains of work to be done, fast-approaching deadlines, an endless list of clients to talk to--the right candidate should be able to handle these things and more without losing their cool. The interviewer may ask you how you handle stressful situations. Answer as honestly as you can; everyone handles stress differently, so there is really no right or wrong answer to this question, but make sure to emphasize that these strategies work for you.

5. Communication

Every job requires good communication skills, and jobs in the tech industry are no different. An interviewer will see how well you communicate starting from the initial interview. They will assess you based on your ability to listen, articulate clearly, and form rational responses. Hence, be mindful of how you speak and listen during the interview--it's going to determine if you will move on to the next step in the hiring process or not.

6. In-the-know

The world of tech evolves at breakneck speed, and a person that stays on top of the latest trends and developments is an attractive candidate for a tech job. If you aren't this person, it may be time to start developing an inclination on keeping up to speed with the latest news in tech. You don't have to be a walking newspaper, but you do have to be knowledgeable enough to be fully grounded in recent technical realities.

7. Humility

There is a right way to showcase your past accomplishments without making yourself seem like a braggart. When talking about how you solved problems in the past or driven projects to success, focus on how you did it instead of focusing on the results, and if there are people who helped you along the way, give them credit. Companies want people who are not arrogant and can give credit where credit is due. If you show humility through your answers, you will likely check a few boxes.

Companies may be impressed by your technical skills, but what can push them to actually hire you are the qualities and skills that can make you a great employee. So while it's important to showcase your experience and abilities in the interview, don't forget to show let these qualities shine through as well.
