by Haris Quintana

Picture by Pexels

As you get older, you realize from the experiences you have, the people you encounter, the situations you witness, and the news in the paper that the world can be a horrible place. One riddled with people saying, doing, and condoning awful things. When you have ambition enough to want to run a business, for example, you need to think about the digital customer experience you are offering and know that you are the best possible option. Having confidence in yourself is important but it’s useless if you’re only going to get in your own way. But, believe it or not, although you may not be a criminal yourself in the eyes of the law, your ability to get in your own way is likened to an offense that you are committing against your own body and mind. If you're unsure whether or not this is you, here are a few insights into what getting in your own way looks like and how it’s affecting your life.

Close Minded

Being controlling and shut off is a choice. Refusing help, advice, and opinions from others is a choice. When you choose to be close-minded, you are choosing to prevent yourself from receiving any help. This is incredibly damaging to you as a person, as we are inherently by nature predisposed to relying on others for emotional support, wisdom, knowledge, perspective, and insight. By shutting other peoples respectable ideas and words of encouragement out in a bid to help you overcome or solve a problem, you are sadly getting in your own way of developing solutions to your issues. The point here, is that you're not a one-man-band; if you've suffered a personal injury you need a lawyer from Jason Hadley to help you out, if you've found a lump on your body, you need a doctor to diagnose this for you, if you've lost a loved one you need support and comfort from your friends and family.

Unfulfilled Aspirations

You may feel frustrated with the negative half of you getting in your way. You might think to yourself - I really want to try kayaking, painting, or ballroom dancing. But then you stop these awesome aspirations in their tracks and determine every possible reason against doing them, with thoughts like - you can't do it, you're too old, people will laugh at you! Getting in your own way leaves a trail of unfulfilled aspirations because you've talked yourself out of doing the things you really wanted to do.

Your Worst Enemy

People's words and actions can hurt a lot, but the way you treat yourself throughout your daily life is what will determine your strength against what the world throws your way. In such a situation, it's better to avoid what others are saying and focus on your own reflections. You can always use reflection models to help you get through your worst thoughts. After all, You should be your own best friend, not your worst enemy. But if you're frequently ruminating hurtful thoughts about yourself, dwelling on embarrassing moments, consistently telling yourself you can't do something, you're bullying and robbing yourself of living up to your full potential. Getting rid of hurtful thoughts is easier said than done, but action should be taken to stop these thoughts in their tracks. Establish the reason why these thoughts are far from the truth, and then toss them away and replace them with realistic and positive thoughts. Did you know that 85% of our worries never actually happen?  So why waste time worrying about that which will probably never occur.

There is no undoing what has already been done (or not done), but you're here reading this so you still time left to get out of your own way and start fulfilling all of the things you need to do and want to do. Whether it's standing up for yourself in court against a burglar, changing your career or dying your hair! It's all relevant, just leave your worst enemy at home and bring along the encouraging, positive part of you along.

