A Beginner's guide to hiking — zenruption

There are a few things that everyone should know before they are going out hiking for the first time.

Even if you aren’t looking for a beginner’s guide to hiking because you have years of experience, it never hurts to be reminded about some of the tips and considerations that could make the process a little bit easier on (or more fun for) you. 

Preparing For Your Hike   

You have to first determine which things have to come along with you on the hike. While you are likely preparing to carry a pack with you, remember you have to carry that pack with you everywhere.

Be mindful of its weight. Bring along some small trail snacks, water, first aid kit, flashlight, camera and your trusty compass.  

Time You Have To Hike  

Some people might have days to devote to their epic hikes, and some people only have around an hour or so. Be prepared for how long a trail usually takes (which is generally easy to find by asking around or searching online for a website). You should be prepared for a hike to take longer than you anticipate (or what the average time is) if you are not an experienced hiker.  

Hiking Buddies or Not?  

Some people prefer to experience hiking alone, as the activity can be very therapeutic to some. Others prefer large groups of friends or family to accompany them.
It is a personal preference, but it does help determine which trail and difficulty you choose, as there will likely be varying experience levels in your group. If you do go solo, make sure you talk to trusted family or friends about where exactly you are going and when you anticipate returning.

Where To Begin?  

Remember that you don’t have to impress anyone when it comes to hiking.

If you are not entirely experienced, you shouldn’t start with an overly complicated and involved hiking trip, as you might not be prepared for the energy it can pull from your body. Work yourself up to bigger and longer hikes over time. 

Where Should You Hike?  

The internet is a wealth of information about state parks and trails that exist all around you for general public use.

This is a good place to begin your search, as these trails are well maintained and vary in difficulties. Live in the city? Can’t find the wilderness where you are? Map out a plan on Google Maps and take off with your backpack and conquer new areas of the city with each hike. 

Your Attire   

Comfort is key. You need to have clothes that can move along with you and that don’t restrict you in any way. Do not wear shorts, as you could encounter poisonous plants.
As for shoes, boots are customary and there are entire lines of footwear dedicated to hiking. If you don’t have the desire or means to get new boots, tennis shoes can also work in a pinch. Perhaps consider the best flat feet boots for hiking as well. Your feet are not cookie cutter feet. Get the right footwear. 

Safety First   

Remember that while it might seem pretty cut and dry, there is no accounting for an unforeseen event that could cause an injury.

Your backpack should always have at least a small first aid kit inside of it, enough to sufficiently care for one significant injury to you or someone in your group.

Songs To Keep You Going   

While you might not want to go blaring music through headphones the entire time that you are out in the wilderness, there are times where having an upbeat soundtrack could really come in handy.

When you are facing a long incline, some workout style music could really pump you up to conquer the hurdles ahead on your hike.

Washing and Inspections  

Ticks are a real possibility, especially if you are going through areas that are less maintained on trails and hiking paths.

Make sure that you look over your whole body (starting with the exposed skin) for any presence of ticks. Secondly, be sure to shower thoroughly with soap and hot water when you do arrive home. It is likely that you have run across some variety of poisonous plants on the hike, and this can prevent your body from contracting their symptoms.


These are a few tips that can help everyone from the first-time hiker to the experienced veteran have a safe and enjoyable upcoming hiking experience. Taking each of these listed points into account, you can be better prepared for anything you might encounter on the trail.


Author BIO : Janet E Johnson is a travel writer by profession and lover of world cultures, food, oceans, languages, souls, wild spaces and urban places by nature.

Website : https://hikingcampingguide.com


