For a lot of people, skydiving might not be their cup of tea and we can’t exactly say we blame them because undoubtedly, the feeling of jumping out of a plane is quite overwhelming! People are scared of it because it isn’t exactly what they do on a day to day basis, and it is certainly an extreme way of getting an adrenaline rush.

But when it comes to you, how does it feel when you hear the word ‘skydiving’? Do you feel the fear in the pit of your stomach that makes you cringe or do you get an adrenaline rush that energizes your body?

It doesn't matter whether you're an adventure freak or a 9 to 5 person who likes to rush home to snuggle up with a cuppa - if you want to get that much-needed adrenaline rush and your heartbeat racing faster than ever, then here's why you must totally include skydiving on your bucket list:

·   Thrill like nothing

Nothing compares to the feeling in the world like throwing yourself off that flying plane and we mean it…literally!  Imagine yourself flying in the sky and gradually freefalling to the ground! Sounds cool, isn’t it? And while you are falling, you may even spot some eagles. Well, you could give them a high five or maybe not (it’s up to you!).

·      Making that dream come true

As a child, we’ve all had this dream – a dream to fly! So, why not break free from the shackles that are holding you down to the ground and soar into the skies like you were destined to do this? Simply grab this golden opportunity and finally fulfill your childhood dream.

·      A killing view

Surely, you have flown on a plane before and saw some amazing scenery as you left your city. But it was only while you were sitting comfortably in a pressurised cabin. On the other hand, when you are freefalling, you will be in total euphoria as you’ll get to witness a killing view firsthand. Not to mention, the feeling of fresh air hitting your body and the incredibly breathtaking view of landscapes will surely leave you shell-shocked, as you truly witness a Valhalla!

·      Finally letting it go

Let it go… just let it all go! Your first jump will be with an instructor, so you can be carefree knowing that you are in safe hands. If you’re afraid of heights then for sure you’ll be scared to do it, but this one time go with the flow and trust the process... eventually everything will fall in place (and so will you, my friend!). Also, if you’re someone who likes keeping things in your control, then for once give it in someone else’s hand, you’ll certainly feel good.

·      Mastering your fears

If the thought itself raises the hair on your neck, then we highly recommend you experience the feeling. You can either go big or go home, there is no in between! Well, you might have never considered going skydiving in your life because of the great risk that’s involved. Of course, everybody is scared of it, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing it. Find the courage within you and master all your fears.

·      Kickass photos

There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. Well, guess what? You can stand in between and be brave while being crazy! As this experience is going to be something that’ll be etched in your memories forever, we recommend you get a good action camera that will help you capture some kickass aerial shots. We will be honest with you, though every photo you click will not be exciting, you might find yourself looking stupid that you would want to delete those pictures straightaway. If you happen to catch some good shots, thank your luck, as those photos will surely make your heart race when you see them time and again.

·      Become a celebrity

After uploading the photos and videos on social media platforms, you are sure to become to a celebrity in your circle (needless to say, you make your friends green in envy as well!). You will enjoy your magical phone that just doesn’t stop ringing with calls and beeping with messages from your friends and relatives. The news of your adventure will spread like wildfire and you will become the talk of the town in just a matter of days. Everyone will ask you about your astonishing experience, wanting to know whether you were scared or not and that is when you can say with your head held high ‘It all started with….’ That being said, an additional tip that we would like to give you is, make the story all the more exciting, as it will raise your reputation.

We hope that by reading the above article, you’re all pumped up and set to strike yet another adrenaline filled activity off your list. If you are scared to do it alone, then why not discuss this idea with your squad and make it happen? It doesn’t really matter if they are normal people with average abilities or ripped athletes, you can tell them about it and maybe plan out an adventure, a random day out or simply make it a part of your stag do.

