Caroline Rose is one of the best acts you’ll ever see

It’s a little weird to be sitting here on a Saturday at 5pm and still not at Treefort. Honestly, it’s one of my most favorite things but it’s also exhausting. If I make down for the rest of the festival is seriously in question do to a massive amount of work I got hit with. It makes you wonder, what the trade offs will be? Will there be a ton of regret? Probably.

Friday started late with Caroline Rose at 7pm. If you’ve never seen Caroline Rose, you must. She is a favorite ever since seeing her with my daughter three years ago at the Treefort Main Stage. Fun is the best way to describe her. She puts on a show while also being amazingly talented.

Next on the trek was the Knitting Factory. Ummm yeah. Dance with the Dead was so hard hitting that door guy at the Knitting Factory was standing there with a massive smile on his face. Made up of just a drummer, bassist, and guitarist, there are no lyrics, just heart pounding music.

Magic Sword is an act I’ve wanted to see forever. The Boise band has a following across the U.S. and fans carry their own swords that really look like light sabers. The band is dressed to follow a story on their website with a comic book coming out soon. Check it out.

The Magic Sword experience is indeed magical. Again, no lyrics like Dance with the Dead but just really powerful music with a feel like nothing before. That you never see faces and there are no vocals actually kind of fits really well.

Zenruption’s great friends, Smokey Brights, were playing at the Olympic after Magic Sword. As I wrote up last Treefort, they are simply fun and the only band in the world when you’re watching them. Smokey Brights are heading off to a European tour and they are super excited! Hey. I’m excited for them.

Honestly, that was about it for the night. The beauty of Treefort is just that you can roam around and that is exactly what was done. The rest of the night was just roaming in and out of places, catching little acts here and there, and just Treefortin’.
