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You've always been interested in investing in property but were never sure where to start. Real estate is a complicated business after all. But this year, you've got a good feeling about things.

You want to know some benefits of real estate investments and property management. What will you get by investing in rental property? Read on, then, for five benefits of investing in property.

1. Creates a Steady, Passive Income

When you own a rental property, you create a steady income for yourself that comes in without much effort, especially if you hire a super. After you pay for things like building repairs, taxes, and the like, the rest is yours to either keep or buy more rental properties. The more property you own, the larger your income.

2. Tax Benefits

You gain several tax benefits when you invest in real estate. You can take off things like maintenance costs, property taxes, any repairs, and marketing costs on your taxes. If you sell your property, and it sells for more than you bought it for, the resulting gain won't be taxed as income, but instead as capital gains.

Capital gains come with lower tax rates. You can pay even fewer capital gains if you invest in property in an opportunity zone. Opportunity zones are special areas of real estate marked as in need of investment! Or you can avoid capital gains by utilizing what is known as a 1031 exchange, which means you get to use the funds from the sale of one property to buy another without paying the tax. To learn more about 1031 exchanges, check out

3. Diversify Your Portfolio

Anytime you invest in multiple different areas, you are diversifying your portfolio. It can be a good strategy to have real estate on the west coast and in an east coast city like New York, using ELIKA Real Estate to guide you. Doing this can protect you when the economy is down. Investing in real estate is a great way to do this!

You can go with real estate investment companies, as well, that will allow you to buy into properties that they own. It's a little less expensive than doing it yourself. Just make sure you learn more about the company you choose for diversification!

4. Inflation Shield

When the cost of living and everything else starts to rise, you also see the rise of the cost of rent as well, providing for you a way to protect yourself from the effects. Yes, things will still cost more, but you will also be earning more from your real estate investments. Even in times of high inflation, profitable properties will still increase in value.

5. Leverage

A single-family property, on average, costs $200,000 or more, which means you can't afford to buy them in full. That's when you can apply a little leverage. Leverage in real estate is when you use other people's money to buy new properties.

Essentially, leverage is real estate jargon for loans. You'll leverage money from banks, credit unions, or mortgage lenders to get a loan to buy new properties. Since real estate is considered a tangible asset, you have plenty of collateral for financing.

Investing in Property

Investing in property is rewarding both monetarily and mentally, as you are bringing in passive income, and providing homes for people in your community. Buying property investments can give you the lifestyle you've always wanted while doing practically nothing.

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