5 Ways To Find Quality Tenants For Your Apartment Fast

The great thing about investing in property is that you’ll always find people that want to rent it from you. Apartments are popular in inner-city areas as it offers tenants convenience and an affordable place to live in thriving locations.

As a landlord, one thing you’ll undoubtedly find annoying is occasionally ending up with the ‘wrong’ sort of tenants. These are people that might seem ideal at first but end up trashing your investment or even using it for illegal activities.

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You want to make sure that you’re only renting your apartment out to quality tenants - people that pay the rent on time and don’t cause you or neighboring apartment dwellers any trouble. With that in mind, here are five ways to find quality apartment tenants fast:

1. Price your apartment at the upper end of the scale

There will undoubtedly be a rental price range for apartments like yours. Did you know that charging rent at the lower end of the price scale could be the reason you’re getting low-quality tenants?

When you charge a higher rental price, you immediately ‘weed out’ tenants you’d rather not have. Instead, you’ll usually only attract young professionals or couples that you’d seldom hear from other than perhaps receiving a Christmas card in the mail!

2. Create a website for your apartment

Real estate agents will often charge a premium for advertising and marketing your apartment to prospective tenants. Plus, they’ll usually take a cut of your monthly rental income to manage the tenancy.

Save some money and market your apartment yourself! One way to do that is by creating a website for it. If you don’t have the time or inclination for web design, you can use apartment industry marketing companies to do the hard work for you.

3. Have professional photos of your apartment taken

They say a picture paints a thousand words, but while anyone can take a photo, few people can take professional-quality photographs. Whether you use a real estate agent for marketing your apartment or market it yourself, you need professional images.

Having the right photographs of your apartment is crucial to finding quality tenants - especially ones that rent from you on a long-term basis. Low-quality pictures will only attract not-so-ideal tenants that will pay you less rent than you desire.

4. Keep a waiting list of perfect prospects

Apartments in central locations often get snapped up by tenants seeking a home closer to where they work. You’ll likely have some people asking about your property even when a tenant is residing in it.

It makes sense to keep a waiting list of prospective tenants to contact them when your apartment becomes available to rent.

5. Reach out to medical establishments

Lastly, if your apartment is close to a hospital or some other medical establishment, it’s worth reaching out to them. Doctors and nurses, for example, are always looking for apartments close to where they work.
