If you’ve ever had a hunch that your partner is cheating on you, it can be a very hurtful feeling. The thing is, before you rush out and hire a private investigator to investigate him or her, it’s a good idea to take a step back and look at things a little more objectively, and really think about the question "is your spouse cheating?" Before you do anything rash, consider your partner’s behaviour carefully and determine if an investigator is really necessary. While the scenarios below aren’t a guarantee that your partner is cheating, they are things you should probably look at a little closer.  

1. New Technology Has Been Added

Does your partner suddenly have a second mobile phone or a new laptop that is in addition to your family computer? If so, this could be a sign of cheating because it might mean that the additional device is being used to communicate with someone who isn’t their official partner. 

2. Their Work Schedule Has Changed

If your partner has been going into work early or staying later than usual, it could be a sign that they’re cheating. Very often, people cheat with people they meet from work, so any change in their work “schedule” could be bad news for you. Also, be on the lookout for work-related functions that your partner claims are for employees only.

3. They Suddenly Become Very Attentive

If your partner suddenly becomes very attentive towards you, it might mean that they’re cheating and they feel guilty about it. Gifts, hand-holding, or any other behaviour that is out of the ordinary could be signs that you need to call that private investigator. This is especially true if your partner generally isn’t the type to give you any type of affection on a regular basis.

4. They Become Irritated Quickly

If you’ve noticed that your partner’s fuse is a little shorter these days, this could be a bad sign. Sometimes, people who are cheating become irritated and more tense than they usually are, and the more often this happens, the more likely it is that they are cheating. It could be something else entirely, of course, but not all the time.

5. They Accuse You of Cheating

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If you get accused of cheating, they must be perfectly innocent, right? This is their way of thinking, so if you ever get accused of cheating out of the blue, don’t be so shocked by it. It doesn’t mean you’re giving your partner reasons to think you’re cheating; it may just mean they are cheating themselves.

6. They Become More Exciting in Bed

If your partner suddenly becomes more exciting in the bedroom, it could be because the person they’re cheating with is teaching them new things. They might also be thinking about that person while the two of you are in bed, causing an increase in their libido. Does this mean for sure that your next call should be to a private investigator? Not necessarily, but it is definitely worth looking into further.
