by Joel Kinnaman


There is nothing quite like a cozy carpet. Not only do carpets improve your home by cushioning against the impacts of slips and falls, but they can also add beauty and flair to just about any living space, allowing you to decorate a room to suit your personal taste.

However, keeping your carpets clean can sometimes seem like an impossible task. Especially if you have any young children or pets in your home. So, if the carpets in your home are looking tired and in need of a little love, let us discover 3 carpet cleaning hacks that can restore your flooring to its former glory.

Call in the Cleaners

Although regularly cleaning your carpets on your own is vital to ensure that your home stays clean and tidy, there are some tasks that are best left to the experts, like Encapsulation-Carpet-Cleaning. For example, set-in stains composed of grease or oil can be notoriously difficult to remove without industrial-strength cleaning equipment and chemicals. When tackling these types of stains on your own, there is always a chance that the products you use are incompatible with your carpet type, and you might inflict irreversible damage on your flooring. This is one of the many reasons why it's best to seek out professional carpet cleaning North Lakes (or your local area).

Carpet cleaning companies offer a wide variety of different services, so do not be afraid to shop around to find one in your area who has experience dealing with your carpet type and the types of dirt or stains that require removal. Before agreeing to any professional carpet cleaning, you might also want to invite someone from the company to your home so that they can assess the damage and provide a reliable estimate. Moreover, remember to ask about the steps of their cleaning process to ensure that you will be happy with the final results and that your carpet will be cleaned to a satisfactory standard. Additionally, do not forget to inquire about any guarantees in case extra treatments are required.

This supplemental article will give you an in-depth look into how to hire a company without any fuss. You can take a look at cleaning here. Remember reputable companies often have extensive experience in carpet deep cleaning, with a proven track record of delivering superior results.

Baking Soda

Tempted to tackle your dirty carpet by yourself? If so, baking soda might just be your best weapon against surface level dirt and deeper stains. For example, although oil stains cannot be treated by dabbing with hot water and gentle soap, baking soda can be used to extract any oil spills from your carpet. Simply apply a spoonful of baking soda to the stain and wait for the solution to form a dry crust. You can then vacuum over the stain which should now be much lighter in colour. Feel free to repeat if necessary and dab away any leftover residue using a damp cloth.

Baking soda can also be an effective way to mask the smell of any accidents when house training pets. Animal urine has a distinctive smell and bright colour but applying baking soda can actually counter the majority of these unfortunate side effects. Again, apply a spoonful of baking powder to any puddles and then blot away the resulting solution. Similarly, if the smell of urine persists, try adding a few drops of essential oils when you apply the baking powder and vacuum after 5-10 minutes. This tip can also be used for larger areas. Simply sprinkle your carpets with a dusting of baking soda and your favourite essential oil and after 5-10 minutes vacuum away the excess.

Household Objects Repurposed

While it can be tempting to splash out on the latest must-have cleaning products and technology, did you know that some of the objects you might already have in your house could help you to keep your carpets looking shiny and new? If there are any stubborn crumbs or hairs nestled deep into your carpet, then a lint roller could help you to reach more problematic areas that your vacuum cleaner cannot access. Lint rollers are safe to use on carpets and incredibly affordable so do not be afraid to give one a try.

Furthermore, if pet hairs are causing you difficulty, a squeegee could be just the tool you need. If your dogs or cats are shedding, their hairs can be incredibly tricky to remove, especially if your carpet is of a short pile variety. By passing a squeegee over the surface of your carpet, the rubber attachment should make light work of any pesky pet hairs. In addition, an iron can be used to remove some light stains. After vacuuming any stubborn stains, apply a mixture of water and vinegar at a ratio of 3:1 and leave for approximately 5 minutes. Then, place a small old towel on top of the stain and apply a hot iron. The pressure and heat should be enough to transfer the stain onto the towel.

Ultimately, carpets come in an almost limitless variety of colours, sizes, and materials, and therefore not every cleaning tip that you encounter along the way is going to be suitable for your flooring needs. Above all, by doing plenty of research, and patch testing any cleaning products, you can avoid common carpet disasters while breathing new life into your floor coverings.

Cleaning your carpets is one way to ensure that the rooms in your house are fresh, stylish, and inviting. Looking for more interior design tips? Check out this article that explains the benefits of carpets and rugs.
