by Zoe Zorka

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Burglaries often take place in different neighborhoods, making it essential to be as security-conscious as possible. US crime numbers in 2020 indicated at least an increase in one crime category, from robbery, homicide, and rape to aggravated assault. However, experts have attributed the rise to what they describe as "perfect storm" factors, including social anxiety and economic collapse, among other pandemic issues. While your home security should be a top priority, you don't need to break your bank to keep out any unwelcome guests. Here are some simple yet effective ways to theft-proof your home for free.

Be unpredictable

If you seem to always be on schedule, for instance, when you leave and return from work each day, any burglar targeting your home can easily predict your routine, and exactly when and where you may be so, they can break into your home. It may be wise to adjust your schedule regularly. If possible, leave for work slightly earlier or return later. If you’re working close to home, you can have your lunch at home on some days. Several companies offer flexible schedules for their full-time staff and even swap trading days with associates, but you might need to check in with your bosses first.

Keep your lights on while away

If you’re leaving for an extended period or vacation, it may not be advisable to turn your lights off completely. You can have a neighbor or somebody you know and trust pass by a few times each day to make your home appear occupied. It will be a better option if they can stay in while you’re away. Assuming this isn't possible, you can make a small investment in automatic timers to turn on the lights in the entire house at various times. These automatic timers are helpful even when you’re home in creating an impression that you’re active in varying periods.

Get to know your neighbors

It’s no secret that tightly-knit communities experience comparably fewer burglaries because they look out for one another. It’s likewise easier to spot new faces in the neighborhood. If you want to manage your burglar risks, it may be helpful to get acquainted with your neighbors; you can rely on them and likewise offer an extra eye for your home outdoors. Moreover, your neighbors may have different schedules, which can be helpful when you’re away working. They can prompt law enforcement in case of any suspicious activity inside your property.

Be wary of flaunting your wealth in public

Burglars are always on the lookout for flashy stuff, so it’s best to remain modest in what you show outside.  For instance, avoid flaunting some expensive bikes or other luxurious items you have in your garage, as exposing them can lure thieves. If you have to park your vehicle outside, ensure your doors and windows are locked and park under a well-lit area if necessary.

In conclusion, surging crime numbers across the US have drawn widespread attention in cities such as Atlanta, where Antonio Brown, Councilman for District 3, issued a press statement to address the issue. Although society may not be able to eliminate crime, these inexpensive tips should stack the odds in your favor against a home burglar.

