by Nigel Hilton

Have you always felt like you wanted to be of service to others but you didn’t quite know what to do? People are always going to need help with various things, especially their physical and mental health. That isn't to say you can’t be of service to others by fixing their electronic devices, but doing one of the careers we have listed below could be an even better way to do it. Take a look:

Psychologist/Life Coach 

People are being open about their mental health more than ever before - and we all need a little help from time to time. If you want to help people and you’re interested in this, becoming a psychologist, therapist, or even life coach could help you to help others in this way. 


People get so confused around food - there’s a lot of BS out there. They don’t know whether they should be low fat, high carb, or any of the other diets they read about online. It could be your job to cut through the BS and help educate them. 


Nursing is always going to be an amazing career for those who love to help others - and in some areas, nurses are in short supply. It isn't always easy being a nurse, but it’s always going to be a job that you are proud to do. The infographic below will help you to see recent trends in nursing, as well as the need for transformational leadership.

