by Vicki Haskett

Accidents can be extremely hassling, especially if they happen to you or those close to you. Not only are there costs, but also other repercussions such as potential fines and penalties when certain laws are broken, potential lawsuits amongst various parties, and the emotional and mental stress one would have to go through in order to cope with the situation. As such, perhaps key tips could be helpful in reducing your risk of accident on the roads. Understanding how accidents work and how to reduce the risk of encountering such a problem can be extremely important in ensuring that your health and that of others are well accounted for.

Do remember that the tips presented here aren't to be treated as rules that can be applied everywhere, as there are traffic laws and regulations to follow in order to ensure the safety of everyone depending on where you are. It's important to cross-check the tips here with actual laws, and a consultation with a traffic lawyer such as those from the site could greatly help with your situation, be it an accident with any vehicle.

FindLaw shares that there's a lot of things to consider when an accident occurs on the road, which means being proactive about keeping your safety in check is important. If you're having trouble interpreting parts of this article, feel free to discuss with a lawyer or a legal professional the nature of these tips and how they can apply to your overall safety.

Multitasking Isn't For The Road

When you're driving, try to make sure you're not multitasking, as you're already multitasking

when driving. This might not immediately make sense, but drivers take licensure tests as it's necessary for them to be able to not only remember traffic laws and regulations, but to also be able to maneuver the car properly. Your mind doesn't have that much space left to be able to do other things.

●       Therefore, try to keep your eyes on the road. Make sure you're doing this while driving, and try not to get distracted. This means that you shouldn't be brushing your hair or eating.

●       It's also not a good idea to take your mobile phone out to take calls or send messages. It's best to call if your phone allows hands off calls, but even then try to make sure these calls are made when there's heavy traffic so you're not moving, or if you've parked your car, and not on the road.

●       Don't try to change CDs, plug in your phone, or fumble over connecting Bluetooth. while listening to music can keep you entertained, using various devices or constantly changing the radio station can divert your attention from the road, and this is extremely dangerous.

●       Don't ever drink and drive, as not only are there penalties for doing this, but this foolish act could also result in a loss of life for you or an innocent victim. Call a friend, order a cab, or use an Uber to get home safely after a night on the town. Unfortunately, DWI’s do happen and often to the bets of us. People do make mistakes. Should you now have to deal with a post DWI fallout, it cannot be stressed enough how important it is to have a good DWI attorney.

Be Proactive, Be Aware

Try to make sure you're aware of a lot of things you're about to do while on the road. This means you're going to have to be aware of the routes you're taking to your place of work, home, or school. You should also be aware of the possible detours you might have to take, or roads that might cause accidents.

●       Try to be aware of the speed limits to your areas, so you can avoid risks of accidents. This is because other people will also follow the speed limits with you, so chances are you'll be travelling on the kind of safe pace that would be considered proper for everyone to use, and doing so will help you prevent an accident.

●       Try your best to ignore drivers that are mad or aggressive, as they tend to do things that may provoke you or keep you off the road. Try to avoid them or avoid being provoked. If you think your rights are being infringed, however, try to communicate with a lawyer in order to have a better idea of your options.

Smarter Safety Measures

When it comes to reducing accidents on the roads, sometimes you have to think smarter and consider tips beyond usual "preparation," while also being more practical with the application of methods. For instance, given the tips above, perhaps it's efficient if not only you combine your understanding of the traffic rules and laws you know but you also modify them to fit the kind of traffic you experience when going to certain places. That way, you know how to adjust your travel when you go there by foot, or by motor vehicle. This can also greatly determine the kind of gear you can bring to ensure safety.

●       For instance, if you travel on very busy roads, it's important to take note where common accidents happen and try to avoid those areas. If there are opportunities for you to go to wider, more open roads where you can observe the surroundings better, then do so. If you really have to travel to a busy area, try to be more aware.

●       Look for the most convenient options to travel on particular roads. Sometimes, not all roads are best traversed by car. If you have to use a bike, or walk, or use public transportation, then those can be much safer options, provided you have the safety gear for the particular method you're using.

●       Make sure you're aware of where hospitals and police stations are located nearby the routes you're taking. This is important especially so you know where to go should you end up encountering an accident.


Accidents don't choose anyone, but that doesn't mean they can’t be avoided through careful planning. These key tips on how to reduce your risk of accident on the roads may be plentiful, especially in this article, but a big bulk of the planning rests on you. This especially requires a degree of proper study and understanding of traffic laws and regulations in your area, and consulting a lawyer on how to best apply them to help ensure you and others around you are safer from the risk of accidents on the roads.


Disclaimer: Please remember that this article shouldn't be treated as any form of legal advice. It's advised you speak with a lawyer or a legal counsel in order to learn about the specifics of road accidents and how they can be applied to your situation.

Vicki Haskett

Vicki is a law writing enthusiast who's had over 25 years of experience in her field. She enjoys sharing her experiences with those who want to learn more about the legal world. In her spare time she spends quality time with her family and friends.

