by McKenzie Stalkenburg



We are always looking for ways to improve ourselves, and for those that don’t, the option could be something a little more extreme, and can usually consist of running away from situations. So, naturally, people think about moving somewhere else in a bid to look after themselves in a mental sense, but is moving away a sensible option? And does moving away actually make you a better person? Let's try and answer the question.

The Allure Of A New Start

This is the biggest thing for people who are considering moving somewhere else. A new place means a new start, and therefore somewhere new requires a new attitude towards their way of life. Some people choose to move from the country to the big city, and some people choose to move from the city to the country. And there are benefits for both, those that have never seen the big city find themselves excited by the prospects of what the city can offer, but from the other perspective, the person who moves from the hustle and bustle of city life looks forward to relaxing and not going so fast. The great thing is that there are options for both types of people, the city dweller and the countrified person. There are sites like that provides properties out in the middle of nature, such as ranches and farmland. And for a lot of people, this option of a new beginning is all about changing the surroundings. Some people can't begin again until they go as far away from their origins as possible.

Is This The Solution?

As people tend to run away from their problems, the idea of beginning again in a new environment is always the most appealing option. But because we feel that moving away and getting some distance between us and our problems helps to provide a solution. In actual fact when life inevitably coaxes us back to where we once came, either for a dreaded family event like a funeral or maybe even having that longing for home, we can find ourselves trapped by the original anxieties we once had that caused us to move away in the first place. This can be a very mammoth task for any of us, but instead of trying to preserve our emotions, we are better off learning how to look after ourselves. And there are resources like on that deal with the task of looking after ourselves, not just in a physical sense, but in a spiritual one too.

We can feel that by running away or moving somewhere else, it will result in us feeling like a better person in the end. And while this does provide temporary relief for most of us, others feel like they’ve found the way to begin again, and end up staying there. But for a lot of people, this isn't a feasible option. And for those, the real solution is to address your own anxieties and learn how to handle the trappings of your situation. We all benefit from time away, but it is a perfect way to get distance from your problems, rather than providing a permanent solution.
