Words like "networking" and "holiday party" could make an introvert's skin crawl. Whether it's due to awkward situations in the past or extreme shyness, we've got you. You may first find social events intimidating, but believe us when we tell you that feeling will quickly fade as you get more comfortable striking up a conversation and introducing yourself to new people. The process of getting to know someone new may really be pretty enjoyable.

Confidence is the key to successful chitchat, whether you're in an elevator, a bar, or at a networking event. Expect a stuttering, uncomfortable conversation when you're feeling uneasy or like you have nothing interesting to say. However, if you go into these situations with a cheerful disposition, you'll find that you can strike up a conversation with relative ease.

It's a talent you should definitely master as soon as possible. Work, dating, meeting new acquaintances, getting to know your neighbors, and so on are just some of the many contexts in which small talk becomes useful. Absolutely, there is a period of adjustment required. However, everybody, whether shy or introverted, is capable of doing it. Here are some tips that might help you.

You have to take risks

There are many dangers in our world, however, the solution isn’t to stay locked away at home. The only way to overcome your anxieties is to expose yourself and try hard. Put another way, the only way you’ll definitely fail to become confident is if you don’t get out of your comfort zone.

Worrying about what other people think consumes so much mental energy. The truth is that most people don't give much thought to you since they're preoccupied with themselves. So, taking risks and actually putting yourself out there is truly not that big of a danger after all.

Fake it till you make it

If you don't naturally exude confidence, pretend to do so until you make real progress. When you’re worried about what others may think of you, you should try to exaggerate your confidence. We guarantee you that every time you’ll get the same results.

Confidence may be faked until it becomes genuine. Every time you act as if you have confidence, you get a little more of it.

This is also a great rule to follow when you're just starting to get to know someone, be it a potential sugar daddy at the bar or a new networking opportunity at a work event. Don't believe the lies that your lack of confidence is selling you.

Make a list of your virtues

One way of dealing with a lack of confidence is to take a pen and paper. Sounds a bit weird, right? Well, you can make a lot of mental health progress by writing stuff down, be it journaling or simply making a list.

Today, you should try to dig deep and think about all the wonderful things that make you, well, you. Physical or not, it doesn’t matter; if you like it, write it down. Do you think that you’re a loving person? Jot it down. Do you consider yourself an intelligent person? Great, another point on your list!

Whenever you feel like you’re not as worthy or deeply judged by others, take a look at your list. It will help you reaffirm what an incredible person you actually are.

What you’re wearing matters

When we're trying to make a good first impression, we usually choose the nicest thing in our closet to wear. Select elegant outfits that highlight your form and personality wherever possible.

Though clothes can't tell the whole story of who you are, a person's wardrobe may provide some insight into their character and mood. Dress well when you’re meeting someone new, but don't strive to impress too much. Always choose comfort over a lovely but uncomfortable garment. You don’t want to be adjusting your dress all night!

There’s not a single person in this world that hasn’t had confidence issues at some point in their life. After all, confidence is learned. Therefore, we hope that the above advice has helped you train your own confidence and become nonchalant when meeting other people.


1: https://unsplash.com/photos/nF8xhLMmg0c

2: https://unsplash.com/photos/-uHVRvDr7pg

3: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-of-people-having-fun-together-under-the-sun-708392/

