Areas You Can Easily Outsource To Disrupt Your Business & Reduce Costs — zenruption

Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Every business owner wants to minimize their costs as much as possible without harming the quality of their product or service. They often don’t know how to do so. In many cases, they try and end up making mistakes, which could hurt the company’s bottom line. Knowing how to outsource could be the answer to this.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, outsourcing involves paying a third party to take care of certain tasks. These workers will typically be external vendors, and you’ll only need to pay them when work is done. As a result, you reduce your labor overheads significantly.

You mightn’t be able to outsource your entire company. You’ll still want to take advantage of certain areas. Looking at specific tasks could help you outsource and reduce your costs.

Outsource These Areas To Reduce Costs

Shipping & Logistics

Your shipping and logistics wouldn’t be the first area you think of that can be outsourced. It’s a surprisingly common practice, however. Many firms typically rely on the likes of Amazon and other logistics giants to deliver their products. Some also outsource their manufacturing to specific companies.

While there are multiple sales and logistics areas you can have outsourced, it’s worth utilizing as many as possible. That’ll maximize the potential cost savings that you’ll see. Though this means more paperwork to fill out, it could be well worth the effort.

Receptionist Duties

Few entrepreneurs seem to realize that they can outsource their receptionists. That doesn’t mean hiring them through an agency. Instead, it means hiring a virtual receptionist or a company that provides similar services. VHQ is a great example of this.

You should expect that all of your inbound calls, schedules, email queries, and multiple other areas are taken care of. As the cost of this will be much lower than hiring a part- or full-time receptionist or administrator, you’ll save significantly on it.

If you do have a physical premises, however, this approach does mean that you or another employee may have to greet visitors as they enter.


Your marketing may be one of the more obvious areas that you can outsource. That’s driven by how popular it has been over the past few decades. Most small businesses will only need certain marketing-related activities that they need to be done.

Creating a website, setting up your social media, and designing an email newsletter are some of the more notable. While there is more involved in this, hiring a full-time employee to oversee it mightn’t be worth the expense.

Hiring freelancers for each of these will be much more affordable. It could also be much faster, especially if tasks are spread across several freelancers.

Wrapping Up

If you want to disrupt your business and reduce your operating costs, outsourcing may be the recommended option. Not only will it reduce expenditure, but it could also improve your productivity. By outsourcing, you can eliminate all of the minor, repetitive tasks that full-time employees have to do.

That frees them up to concentrate on the tasks that make your company money.

