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It is something we hear time and time again in business: that we have to communicate more, but in the world of business, relationships are the key to business success. While we have a lot more technology, how can we start to humanize our business more? Business tycoons are all thumbs up for letting your employees engage in internal training. By doing so, your business productivity, efficiency, and employee effectiveness are most likely to soar to unexceptional levels. For instance, introducing a training program like Six Sigma helps your business in ways like:

Incorporating the Right Technology

Yes, technology is important for communication, but it's important that you use them in the right ways. If you are looking for various business voice solutions, they can provide a comprehensive approach to communication due to systems like VoIP, which cover phone, video calls, and emails. It is vital that we use the right technology because we should not fragment each approach to communication, it should be all under one umbrella. 

Focusing on Individual Relationships

It's so easy to have a team meeting and communicate your thoughts to everybody because it saves time, but if we are to reintroduce the idea of relationships and communication, 1-1 meetings and catch-ups are so crucial. While they shouldn't be purely for business, this is a great way to remind employees and the employer that they are all human and working towards the same goals, and that life can get in the way. Sometimes, we find we are too focused on the work or find an employee that feels they should not be talking personal stuff because they don't want to give off the wrong impression, but ultimately, it depends on the type of business that you run. If you are to make an effective business run efficiently, you need to ramp up the human approach. 

Communicate Simple Information in the Right Way

This is all about making sure that you use the right avenues. A very good example is email. We can get ourselves into a lot of conversations over email which takes a lot of time to do. We can find employees overthinking what they want to say in an email because they don't want to come across as rude. The fact that now there are more emojis in work emails is not a bad thing at all, because younger employees are finding that the typical communication through standard emails can almost look rude. When we are using the right avenues of communication, whether this is to make a quick phone call to ask a question, or sending an email with a number of moving parts, we've got to remember that every type of communication has its purpose. 

Communication is so important and it's going to make a massive difference to the morale of your company, but also remember that when we are running a business, we have got to make it more human in its approach. Technology is important, but we can focus too much on the many technical aspects. It's about making sure that we harness technology for good. Take some inspiration and see how you can start to make a business more human by bringing the focus back onto communication.
