With the announcement of the pandemic in 2020, you were forced to work remotely. You moved all your employees together with their computers and equipment to work from their homes. But you promised them and yourself that it would not be forever. Everyone will be back in the office, and things will go back to normal. So now, more than a year later, is work from home turning into the new normal?

It's All About The Money

When you review your annual financial records, the first thing you notice is the massive amount of money you saved from working remotely. You saved on office rent, cleaning services, paper and copying, stationery, office equipment, and more. Your company might have taken a dip in sales, but the amount saved due to virtual working almost even out the balance sheet if not pushing it in the green. 

Commute Free

Excuses like I will be late for work are non-existent because there is no more commute involved. In addition, your employees and yourself save additional money due to not spending it on fuel, car maintenance, or even taxi fare. 

Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels

Flexible Gets The Job Done

Depending on the type of business you have, your working hours might be more flexible. Meaning that you can start and stop working anytime as long as the day's targets are met and work is completed. This can lead to a better work-life balance. You are more flexible with your schedule. You can better handle your personal life (like running errors or picking up the kids) while maintaining a focused goal outcome for your work.

Quick Sharing

With all the software and apps available to project manage your teams efficiently, communication became seamless. Everyone knows what they are doing, how far the project is, and what needs to be done. Sharing files is effortless. Virtual meetings are much quicker than the usual boardroom meetings because there are no interruptions, chatter afterward, and leaving your desk. 

Connection Is Key

Although you and your employees had to create an office at home to work efficiently, the overall productivity skyrocketed. Studies showed that you work 1.4days more a month by working from home than working from the office. You moved your IT service to a Managed IT service because it just made more sense to outsource your IT responsibilities than keeping an in-house IT team. This is all good and well, but you also have to make sure that your employees and yourself have the best fiber cable to transmit the data over the long-distance and to have higher bandwidth.
