
Every business will want its website to stand out from that of its competitors. We will, of course, take inspiration from other websites, but we need ours to look and feel unique and be the one that gives our potential or loyal customer the best experience every time they visit it. There are many ways to achieve this, and we shall explore just what some of them are. For instance, why not use an interactive video?

Interactive Videos

Interactive videos offer websites an excellent way of promoting their products and services, as well as increasing brand awareness. By allowing customers to interact with a video, businesses are grabbing a customer’s attention and then keeping it right up until the moment they decide to buy the product. Everything can be incorporated within the video, from presenting the facts to taking the customer to the checkout and purchasing the product. If it can be displayed as text or a picture on a website, it can be incorporated into an interactive video for greater impact. As an interactive video, it will feel like a better experience for the potential customer wanting to find out about the product or service on offer.

So, next time you think about adding a video to your website, make it an interactive one. Your customers will appreciate it. They are so easy to create when you have the assistance of a video content creator that you can hire.


The colours that we use on our website can make all the difference when it comes to grabbing the attention of someone finding it. We, of course, do not all like the same colours individually, but clashes of the wrong colours together can put someone off just like when they go on a date and the other person is wearing something that just does not look pleasing to the eye. As humans, we form opinions very quickly, and first impressions count with websites, too.

We should avoid, for instance, light text on a light background. This is a common error made by website designers new to the game. Overpowering neon colours are something to avoid as well. We should full stop avoid too many bright colours. It is also preferable to think of those who are colour blind and not use colours, as they will have a problem distinguishing between them. We do, after all, not want to put anyone off as a potential customer. We could potentially be putting off the 300 million people in the world who suffer from colour blindness, which is the equivalent of the entire population of the United States of America. Most people with colour vision deficiency, as it is also called, will have trouble distinguishing between shades of red, green, and yellow. This is why it is also known as red-green colour vision deficiency. So, avoid these colours together if they might have the potential to confuse those who suffer from colour blindness. Finally, rainbow themes should be avoided because they can affect aspects of UX, such as readability and navigation.

Textual Content

We have talked about interactive videos and colours of text versus backgrounds, but what about the content in terms of what it is saying? This needs to be carefully thought out, too. If we are describing a product, it needs to be concise and give the main points without presenting a large amount of text to have to read. This is where links to further information can help. We can display the key features with the picture and take a potential customer to another screen that tells them more. This is like an interactive video where a user can, by clicking, be taken somewhere else while the video is still playing. It is the way information is made more digestible.

Larger text and more paragraphs can help make the text more readable. We must remember that people may be viewing the information on devices with small screens, so keeping the information compact might also prove to be a useful consideration. Nobody will want to have to scroll too much on a mobile phone to find out something that is a long way apart from the main product information.

In summary, we can engage with customers more through websites by using interactive videos that grab their attention from the start and keep it, by thinking about colours that will please as many people as possible, and by giving textual content the thought it also deserves.
