How to Utilize Global Talent for Your Small Business — zenruption

by Sharon Jones

Image Credit: Unsplash

The world is getting smaller and, with so many more ways to communicate and work together around the globe, businesses are no longer confined to their locality when finding the best talent. In fact, there are now ways for teams to span every continent and still work together on projects.

Small businesses should always be the first in line to make use of this global talent pool. Finding the best talent is always the best way to get your business up and running and to develop new ideas along the way too. The right team is crucial to any business in this sense but you don’t have to sit around the same table - or even be in the same country - to work together anymore.

Online Collaboration Tools

Since so many businesses are now looking beyond their borders to get the best work, there is now a wealth of tools you can use to chat, collaborate and get organized. From software that allows you to pass projects around and make progress to those that allow you to share files, choosing the right tools will make a significant difference.

Though you might assume that the more tools you have, the better things will be, you should actually curate the software you use according to your team’s needs and preferences. It might take time to work out a rhythm everyone can work with but there are plenty of options to choose from. For example, there are all kinds of ways to streamline communication but you need to choose the best one for your needs.

Make Payments Easier

Paying employees a salary is an easy way to manage your finances but when you are using a network of freelancers and a team that is spread around the world, you might need a more nuanced approach. A service like Cloudpay is ideal for managing your payments and sorting out all the details of sending money overseas.

Working with freelancers is a great way to minimize your expenditure as you can hire them to work on single projects however big or small. As you build your network you will learn which freelancers are best value for money and who is worth spending a little extra on.

Sharing Ideas and Insights

One of the main reasons that all businesses should aim for diversity is that people tend to bring different experiences and insights to the table. This is the best way to combine ideas to develop a unique way of working that pushes your business forwards. Having a global team is quite possibly the best way to get a broad range of opinions and experiences.

As a general rule, industries tend to follow the leader. This means that businesses are always looking at what their competitors are doing and trying to out-maneuver them either by doing the same thing but better or by taking a new route. With a more diverse team, you can disrupt this common strategy by using knowledge from other industries, cultures and people.

