Failing to close a sale can be a frustrating experience. Whether you’re salaried, hourly or commission, a failed sale will sting all the same. With a little practice, anyone can become a better closer. 

1. Active Listening

Active listening is taught in automotive phone training. If a salesman is constantly talking over the customer, then they will have no idea what the customer wants. You can’t enter a call with a know-it-all attitude and expect good results. Listen, repeat and learn the intention of the call or you will lose the sale before getting to your pitch. 

2. Bad Leads

Leads that are not pre-qualified will give you random results. The person called is often annoyed, bombarded by your questions and trying to get off the phone. No matter how well you handle the conversation, the closing will probably lead to a firm no. Turning around angry customers requires skill, but even the best can fail when a bad lead is involved.

3. Lack of Respect

Some customers and businesses have their mind made up about sales calls. For businesses in particular, respect is a big deal if you want to even sniff the closing. Talking up an established business like you are doing them a favor will lead to a quick no sale. Treat them with respect by valuing their time, vision and potential partnership. 

4. Asking the Wrong Questions

A rookie sales agent can develop a habit of asking questions that don’t lead to a conclusion. This is their nervous way of making small talk and while trying to avoid the uncomfortable pitching portion of the call. By the time they get to the actual service or product, the customer has no idea why they should even be interested. Use your words with a purpose to avoid verbal diarrhea. 

5. No Knowledge of the Product or Service

This is a big one in the sales community that has plagued a lot of young upstarts. You can talk a good game, but still have no idea how the company’s product or services work. Charisma will get you some closings, but if you want to foster a long-term relationship, knowledge is essential. When the customer is confident in your ability to explain, then they will be more than happy to spend – more than once!

6. Disinterest with the Role

Burnout happens in the sales position all the time. Top performers slip, and sometimes never recover their numbers. In this situation, managers have to step in to resolve the problem. A day off, vacation or even a new assignment can easily bring back the closing spirit. 

7. Some People Are Not Closers

Some people are not closers, just like some people can’t carry conversations. Before throwing someone on the phone, training will prepare them for the many hard no’s they will get from the other side. Without training, a person lacking closing experience will get crushed within the first week!

You’re In Control

A salesman should always be in control of the call. Losing a sale happens, but it should be a learning experience rather than a confidence drop-off. Manage the conversation, and lead the customer to the right decision.
