by Sharon Jones

Every new business owner wants to go it alone. It makes sense; this business is their baby. They want to raise it, and they want to raise it well. However, it takes a village to raise a baby, which means that it takes a village to get a business into the right place - success.

With your business set to launch, you need to have everyone on your side as you press go you want to have your investors lined up, your market research complete, and a team that you can be proud of from day one. The right team is going to determine whether you are a success or not, and you need to make sure that you rely on that team from the moment you start your business. It’s not just the finance team who handles your invoices and the IT consultancy you use to run the back office - and you can see more here about that. It’s the people in your office that work alongside you every day! They’re going to be cogs in the machine of success - but who should you include?

Well, luckily for you, we’ve put together a list of people that you need to have on your side.

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A Leader (But Not You!)

Well, you are the leader, the person who came up with the idea. However, you need a secondary leader to work alongside you. This leader is going to share your vision and make sure that your business is run exactly the way that you have always imagined it would be. They’ll be someone who can inspire, motivate, cajole, and generally make the world easy for your other employees. They lead, others follow, and you watch in awe!

A Creator

It would be best if you had an employee on staff who has some ideas that seem a little quirky, a little out there. This is going to be someone who thinks creatively to bring ideas to the table and make sure that you have a little bit of fun injected into your business.

A Motivator

Like the leader, this person gets down to business and kicks everyone toward the path of success. They make sure that daily deadlines are met, and they inspire others to keep going. They have a passion for what you do, and they’ll impart their wisdom where they can.

An Insider

You want to have someone on your team who knows the industry in which you are operating. They’ll know all the trends, the changes, and everything that there is to know about how to function in your industry. They can see what the competition is doing and come up with ideas as to how you can beat them. They’re an asset - find them and keep them!

Each of these people is going to bring value to your business, and without them, you’re going to find it hard to succeed. Take your time and make sure that you bring on the best of the best in these individuals!
