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So many businesses are trying so hard to promote their companies online that they often end up making their customers feel harassed. The more they send out promotional emails and post their goods on social media, the more annoyed the customer gets.

Of course, promoting your company is important, but you do not always have to do so by going in for the hard sell, pushing your products and services, and making the customer feel like all you care about is making as much money as soon as possible.

There are many more, subtler, ways that you can attract customers without making them feel like they are being pestered, including the following: 

Inform them

Instead of simply trying to sell them something, why not create content that informs them? For example, if you sell software for accountants, you could create content, with the help of a good B2B web design agency, perhaps, that informs them of the latest developments in tax law or accounting procedures, so that you are adding value to them while also boosting your own website’s SEO by creating the kind of content that your target audience is likely to be searching for.

Ask questions

Posting questions to your customers on social media can also be very effective at engaging them in a way that does not seem like you are just out to make a sale. Ask them for their favorite colors for your products, ask them what changes they would like to see to your products and services, heck ask them what their favorite TV shows are - it’s all information you can ultimately use to market to them more effectively, and it will be a fun way of getting them to engage with your business profiles more often too.

Live stream

Live streaming your company is a more personal way to connect with your customers. The key is to choose a form of live stream they will engage with which does not seem too pushy. Running live webinars is a good idea as it will give customers the value of your experience on a topic that is related oy your business, which means you are likely to get a lot of signups. 

Showing customers your workplace and letting them get to know the people who work for you can also be quite good at fostering positive relations between your customers and your company too, especially if your staff are an interesting bunch. 

Reward them

Reward loyal customers by sending them a birthday card with a money-off coupon, for example, is a good way to maintain a high level of engagement with existing customers who are often the best customers to have on side long-term

As you can see, you really don’t have to always go for the hard sell if you want to make a sale; there are lots of effective ways of engaging with the customer that will make them more likely to think you are a company worth their time and money. So, what are you waiting for?
