Making The Most Out Of Your Day In Business — zenruption

By Jerry Mooney

Every day is different in business so expect the unexpected. It’s important that you sleep well the night before as normally you need a nice early start to make the most out of the day. Ensure you wake up on the right side of bed with a spring in your step and excitement for the day ahead. This will put you in good stead and show that you’re ready to tackle any burning issues that could occur from now until closing time.

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The morning is always the most productive part of the day. We are awake and mentally fresh and this is when most of your business will be done. Coming into the office first will look good on your front and shows professionalism and a desire to succeed. Your first task as you enter the office should be to check your emails and access cloud computing.  There may be one email from an important client that was sent late the night before and so you don’t want to be too late in responding. Always check in your junk folder too. You don’t want to rule out that option either. After this, prepare your office for the day ahead so you can all start on the front foot. Make a list of objectives that need to be ticked off throughout the day and you also may think of providing fun filled incentives for those that complete them.

When the staff start to wade in, make yourself known. Say good morning and smile brightly. A happy appreciated workforce will lead to job satisfaction and job satisfaction normally leads to consistently good results. If it’s a Monday or a Friday, you may think of organising a brief staff meeting, highlighting positive aspects from the previous week and how you can improve on things for next week. This shouldn’t take too long however. You’ve got a lot of work to do today remember.

From then until 5 o'clock, get on with your work privately in your office but remember to oversee operations outside from time to time. Keep your staff on side and let them know that you’re still thinking about them. You may find that you need help on a couple of business deals so call meetings throughout the day with more experienced and high up personnel only. There’s no need to worry other members of staff. Let them carry on with their good work without being distracted constantly.

As a manager, you should be the last one to leave the office. Say your goodbyes to your staff, thank them for all that they’ve done throughout the day and wish them a pleasant evening. When you do decide to leave after a brief tidy up of the office and a last look at your accounts, don’t take your work back home with you. Remember not to stay too late as you should keep your mind fresh for tomorrow’s up and coming activities. Hometime is hometime and nothing should change that.

