Georgia’s Newest Senior Living Facility is Getting Lit — zenruption

You can’t live like you’re on the Seine in Paris if the lights go out.

Affluent senior citizens are anxiously awaiting the grand opening of the soon to be named Village Park Senior Living facility in the Atlanta suburb of Buckhead. The $300 million-dollar facility will offer unparalleled service standards, luxurious amenities and unique European style.

Village Park Senior Living selected Sprout Lighting as their LED lighting provider for the project.  It was truly a turn-key project for the customer. Sprout Lighting helped value-engineer their lighting plans and drastically lower their anticipated costs.  They will also apply for all applicable energy incentives and rebates on the client’s behalf, further maximizing their time and cost savings.

“Our buying power and strong relationships with lighting manufacturers gave us the competitive advantage to improve the architectural specifications with value-engineered fixtures; all at a price point that was very attractive for Village Park Senior Living,” said Trevor Smith, Co-Founder of Sprout Lighting.  Mr. Smith credits trusted partners at Lite Technology, Maxlite, Green Creative, Arcadia Lighting, and Retrolux for securing the best LED lighting solutions at the best price for the project.

Lite Technology's General Manager Shona Holden remarked, “Sprout Lighting is one of our fastest growing clients. We are excited to provide support on this and future projects.”

Thanks to the team at Sprout Lighting, the lights will always be shining bright in Atlanta’s little piece of Paris.

Sprout Lighting is your turn-key solution for commercial LED applications. They assess, design, engineer, install, project manage and maintain comprehensive LED solutions for customers ranging from small office buildings to large industrial projects requiring national roll-outs.

