Maintaining Your Commercial Stainless Steel Sinks — zenruption

by Nigel Hilton

Stainless steel is a material boasting strength, robustness, durability and style. Because of this high level of quality many people neglect their duty to care for their stainless steel sink. However, if you truly want your sink to last for many years to come and look good in the process too, then you will need to embark on a bit of maintenance. The good news is; stainless steel maintenance is easy and doesn’t require too much effort on your part. Keep on reading to find out the top tips you need to maintain your stainless steel sinks…

  • A lot of people are shocked to learn that flour is one of the best things for their stainless steel business sink when it comes to ensuring it sparkles. All you need to do is apply a little bit of dry flour and you are good to go. Simply use a soft cloth and then finish off by rinsing and drying your sink. You will be shocked by the gleaming finish you are left with.

  • One way to clean your sink is to simply mix water with some baking soda. All you need to do is give the sink a quick once over and wash the residue away. It is as simple as that.

  • It is also advised to embark on a weekly cleanse using an abrasive cleaner. A lot of people worry that their sink won’t be able to handle this, but unlike porcelain stainless steel actually has the capacity to stand up against an abrasive cleaner. One thing to bear in mind is the fact that you have to scrub in the direction of the polish lines. This will ensure it blends in correctly with the surface of the sink.

  • Next, let’s deal with pesky water spots. How do you get rid of these? All you need to do is dip a sponge into some white vinegar. Apply this to the areas in question and it should rub off straight away.

  • We all know that commercial stainless steel sinks can be a bit susceptible to rust. However, there is a way to tackle this as well. All you need to do is rub some alcohol, such as a bit of vodka, into the rusted areas. This should do the trick. If anything is rusted beyond repair, don’t cut corners. You can buy steel online from Wasatch Steel and be sure that you will maintain the high quality of your sink.

  • Last but not least, if you want to provide your sink with that added burst of shine then there is one easier yet extremely effective trick – use baby oil! That’s right; a few droplets of baby oil applied to a paper towel and buff around it. You will be shocked by how shiny your sink looks after this little bit of treatment.

Don’t underestimate how important it is to look after your stainless steel sink. Whilst this is a material of a very high quality, it still needs to be cared for to. Follow the six techniques provided in this article and you can’t go wrong. The good thing is that most of these methods involve using products you are likely to already have and thus they won’t cost a lot of money.

