And It Begins--An Exploration of Counter-culture
Most people talk about magic mushrooms with delight and joy. Somehow, however, the conversations are often hushed and accentuated by shame and fear. People don’t want others to know they have “done shrooms”. This particular experience tends to get conflated with being a “druggie” or “addict” or any number of stigmatized labels. Because of this people will talk about a magical, enlightening experience as if they shoplifted a bottle of wine from a local store.
It should not be like this. Experiencing euphoria and an increased understanding of life should be celebrated, and examined. People like Terrance McKenna and Michael Pollen have bravely broached the subject, but their conclusions still bounce around our society as a counter-cultural experience. There is real value in these topics, but the topics can’t be fully examined if they are only approachable in the shadows. zenrupt count-culture will attempt to bring these discussions to light. What are the benefits? We’ll explore and discuss. What are the potential problems? Harms? These will also be discussed.
This is not an attempt to prove that certain things are good. It is an attempt to to shine light on topic that have been historically seen as bad to determine if they might be mischaracterized or not. Maybe we can find benefits. Maybe we can uncover real issues and cautionary tales.
Please follow this space and contribute to the evolving exploration of counter-culture.