The Five Best University Tips for Students at Community Colleges


The Five Best University Tips for Students at Community Colleges

Community college is different from four-year colleges, so students usually need a different plan of action because their needs are different and community colleges are run differently. If you’re getting ready to start your first year in community college, there are certain tips that will make your freshman year a lot easier.


6 Video Games That You Will Love To Play This Year


6 Video Games That You Will Love To Play This Year

While 2020 has been a difficult and worrisome year for all of us, there are some things that can reduce our stress as we deal with these unprecedented times. There have been several studies proving that video games can help reduce stress and depression. These online games make for a safe environment to get entertained, particularly in the times of social distancing.


When Life Knocks You Down


When Life Knocks You Down

Life definitely knows how to knock us down from time to time. It can seem like everything is going perfectly one minute, and then the next thing you know you're being hit with a string of bad luck.


How to Increase Your Shooting Percentage in Basketball


How to Increase Your Shooting Percentage in Basketball

Tips to Increase Your Shooting Percentage in Basketball

Whether you want to become the world's next Michael Jordan or if you simply just want to be better than your friends at basketball, you need to have excellent shooting accuracy. Here are a few tips to increase your shooting percentage in basketball.


The Ultimate Guide To Stress Management At Work


The Ultimate Guide To Stress Management At Work

If you are struggling to cope during the Covid-19 crisis, the chances are that your anxieties are beginning to manifest themselves within your working life. If you are struggling with stress, check out this guide to help protect your mental health.
