Retail Therapy: Why Do We Get Drawn To Certain Stores And Not Others?
The other week I had to go on a long shopping expedition. I'm usually the kind of person that just buys stuff online. But, I had stupidly left things to the last minute! As a result, I had no choice but to source the items I needed from local retailers.
One thing that intrigued me about my shopping experience is this: I was only drawn to certain stores. And not others. Why? Well, it all depends on various factors. They range from the layout and design of the store through to the checkout experience. Also, let's not forget about reputation!
But don't just take my word for it. Many studies got commissioned in the past to find out what draws us to certain stores over others. Here are some of the main reasons we only stick to certain retailers:
Attention-grabbing displays
When you traipse around a shopping mall, the first thing that pulls you in are the window displays. They might display products that are trending. Or they may advertise events such as summer sales. It's no secret that many retail customers visit a store on impulse.
Brand reputation
Imagine if you read a news story about a retail chain that did something appalling. Few people would want to go and spend their money with the chain!
On the flip side, if a brand's known for offering good value for money, shoppers will flock to their stores. In the business world, it's crucial to build up a positive brand image. Otherwise, no amount of clever marketing will increase your sales.
Customer service
One of the reasons I prefer certain retail stores over others isn't down to the pricing. Nor is it down to the products offered. It's actually because of the customer service experience!
We all know that we should treat others how we wish to get treated. The sad truth is some employees hate their jobs and "take it out" on their customers. It doesn't take a genius to determine that a poor customer service experience is a bad thing!
Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons
Staff professionalism
Many shoppers visit stores that have happy, professional staff that can assist them. The employees are dressed and groomed well and have a friendly attitude.
They will wear uniforms and have name badges to help customers identify them. These days, it's easy for retailers to provide uniforms and name badges for their staff. Vendors like Imagin Products make it simple for even small stores to be more professional. There isn't an excuse for retailers not to make such improvements.
Product placement
Here's something that you probably don't know. When you enter a retail store, you tend to look at products to your right! Armed with that info, many store owners put high-profit products in that area by the door. These are usually products that interest most customers entering that store.
For example, let's say that you have a hardware store. You might make a lot of profit on goods like gloves and buckets. Stacking up vast quantities of those items means you can sell more of them and enjoy greater profits. Places like Home Depot do this all the time!
So, now you know the secrets of how some stores draw us in more than others!
Lina Martinez has her B.S. in journalism and is a contributor to our politics, life and money pages. She once admitted over drinks to singing "Careless Whisper" in the shower. We are still trying to get her to sing it at karaoke.