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Getting the Very Best Education for Your Children

Student in hallway holding books - Image Courtesy of Pexels

As a parent, you want the best education for your children. Often, it doesn't come cheap. But there are many things you can do to prepare for admission after exploring other avenues.

Encourage Many Academic Subjects

Your children have a better chance of being accepted into a private school if they can demonstrate a solid understanding of multiple subjects and extracurricular activities. Academically successful schools like Park Tudor school offer places to children with an aptitude for a broader range of subjects. Yet the chances of a place at a private school are boosted by children with an aptitude for extra learning and motivation, such as sports, Model UN or scouts. These are highly beneficial, and kids who take part perform better in their core subjects.

Understand Failure is a Part of Success

There is a lot of pressure on children to do well these days. Given social media status and an ever-increasing technologically advanced society, kids are exposed more than ever. So the stress of underperforming or the fear of failure can be overwhelming. However, failure is a necessary stepping stone to success. Suppose the brightest minds had given up at the first failure. Then we would never have the car, lightbulb, or water cleaning systems. So failure isn't as negative as it sounds. Instead, it's a learning experience; 

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work", - Thomas Edison.

The Best Education Indulges Passions

School doesn't need to be boring. Some of the best have programs that encourage and ignite the passions in kids. There's no end to the interest of children. And they continue to surprise. Some of the most common passions for children these days include the following:

  • Electronics, robotics, and computer-based studies such as AI and programming.

  • Acting, music, or the performing arts, including directing, writing, and production.

  • Sports and physiological studies such as games and human medical branches.

More schools are able to offer specialized after-school or curriculum studies focused on more than just sport. As children become more technologically savvy, subjects like AI and programming are becoming more popular in an increasingly tech-dependent world.

Explore Alternative Learning

Because of advances in our understanding of how the brain absorbs information, teaching is evolving from a rigid structure into more flexible and alternative methods of learning. For example, younger children learn better in a hands-on setting where they play together. And incorporating learning games helps children learn practical lessons while retaining information. Additionally, learning games are typically inclusive. Inclusion will help children accept cultural differences while promoting self-confidence and enhancing social skills at a very early age.

Aim for a Specific School Application

If you have ever researched any private school, you will see many specialize in specific subjects. School A, for instance, might offer a nationally recognized college sports program. Or school B might emphasize music with a high acceptance rate at prestigious music colleges. Therefore, it helps to work with your child on a goal they want to achieve. From there, you can research the best schools with the ability to help your child realize their dream. However, some have rigid application criteria, such as after-school activities and specific subject grades.


Getting the best education isn't easy for most. But it is possible. It helps to encourage multiple subjects and after-school activities aimed at a specific school's acceptance criteria.