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5 Ways to Give Yourself a Boost

by Lina Martinez

We all need to recharge from time to time. Perhaps work is getting a little stale, perhaps we are struggling to find that happy life balance or perhaps we are unable to switch off. Which is why today we want to share with you 5 ways to give yourself a boost, with practical starting points if you know that you are at a bit of a standstill at the moment. Always remember that your wellbeing is essential for you to live a fulfilling life, so if you need a bit of support mentally as well as physically, utilizing these tips below as well as platforms such as Relatyv, for example, then you can live a life that benefits you from start to finish.

Fill your diary with fun

When was the last time that you spent some time with your friends, or caught up with family? Sometimes spending time with loved ones can offer you an entirely new perspective, whether you are talking through your woes with them or not. Time spent socialising can be a brilliant distraction and can really lift your spirits.

Book in a few dates to catch up with people, doing a mixture of your favorite things. You might book in a cinema date, a coffee catch up or a gym session, whatever floats your boat, or perhaps a balance of several different activities. 

A busier social calendar will give you things to look forward to and help you to focus on the people and things that are important to you. 

Travel, the town, the country or the world

Travel is good for the soul. It really does not matter how far you choose to venture, the point is that it broadens your horizons and reinvigorates you. 

If you spend your nine to five stuck inside the same four walls, spending some time just exploring out and about in your own town, your own community, can make all the difference. Try to avoid spending all of your weekends and evenings at home, make a date at least once a month to get out and find out something new about the place that you live.

Perhaps you have bigger travel plans, or have just been feeling restless lately. Then do it, take that road trip, book that holiday or if you are yearning to take that trek through the Himalayas, go for it. A change of scenery can both relax and recharge you, so enjoy it. 

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Learn something new 

Whether you are looking to complete an online political degree at George Washington University or you have your eye on a new art class at your local community centre, learning something new is always good for your mind and wellbeing. 

The biggest stumbling block here is often your own fear. You worry that you might not be any good at it, you might struggle to keep up or you might not like it at all. You are not going to know the answers to these questions if you don’t at least give it a go. 

When you learn something new, you will find that you will start saying yes to many more opportunities to try new things, as you become more receptive to giving things a go and expanding your mind. Who knows where it might take you. So go for it, get that History degree

Let go

When was the last time that you simply let go? When you stopped planning, stopped overthinking, stopped adulting? Now, we are not suggesting that you suspend time and step back into your childhood, but maybe for one day only you could give yourself a little reset.

Take a day off or a weekend and make no plans. Get up without an alarm clock and see where the mood takes you that day. Maybe you will spend time reading a book that has been sitting on your bedside table for months. Or perhaps you will treat yourself to a breakfast at that new cafe in town before browsing the shops and popping in on a friend. If you are feeling bold, jump on a tram or bus and see where it takes you. 

The point of this is to free yourself of schedules, appointments and must-dos and just be for a day or two. Normal life will still be there when you come back, so take the day off and savor it. 

Everybody has a favorite thing

What’s your favorite thing to do? Of course this will be completely different for everyone, so only you can answer this one. From hiking to dancing to gaming, think about what makes you happy and do it. Do more of it.

Whilst this might only be a momentary boost, that can sometimes be all that we need. So if dancing the night away with friends manages to push your reset button, then arrange it, revel in it and then promise yourself that you’ll do it more often.