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Is Procrastination Harming Your Health?

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Many of us come up with long lists of reasons why we shouldn't do things.

We tell ourselves that we will do x, y, and z tomorrow and not today. We then tell ourselves the same thing the following day and the next and so on and so on.

It's called procrastination and while it's not always a problem, there are times when it can seriously mess with our lives. In the context of this article, we can relate procrastination to our health needs. How so?

Well, procrastinating over watching a certain Netflix show won't hurt your wellbeing. And you are unlikely to damage your health if you procrastinate over a conversation you need to have with your boss at work. 

But in the following instances, you could damage your health. 

#1: Procrastinating about seeing your doctor

When you feel unwell, it's common sense to book an appointment with your doctor, right? Maybe so, but not if you procrastinate. You might delay that appointment because of your busyness. Or you might decide to wait in the event that you might feel better in a few days' time. Or you might see TV advertisements that relate to a local medical malpractice attorney and convince yourself that doctors don't know what they're talking about anyway.

But here's the thing. The longer you delay that visit to a doctor the more damage you could be doing to your health. Even if you're not suffering from a life-altering condition, you could still alleviate whatever symptoms you're experiencing via the advice of your doctor. Of course, if you are suffering from something that could threaten your life chances, the sooner you book that appointment the better. 

#2: Procrastinating about your need to exercise

Exercise is good for both your physical and mental health, so you shouldn't continue with an inactive lifestyle. Being active is an essential part of your self-care so you should make it part of your daily schedule. You know all this already we're sure, but how much exercise are you doing? You might be putting it off because the weather is too cold outside or because you're too busy with work. You might also use the excuse that you're too tired to exercise and that you will put it off until tomorrow when you have more energy.

In the majority of cases, your excuses will make little sense. It's possible to exercise at home, so the cold weather shouldn't deter you from being active. It's also possible to find ways to exercise within a busy schedule, as you can see from the linked article. And when you do start to exercise, the more energized you will become, as the tiredness you feel will be down to your lack of physical activity anyway. So, stop procrastinating. The sooner you start exercising the better as you will improve your chances of better health when you're more active. 

Is procrastination harming your health?

Are you putting off a visit to your doctor? Are you telling yourself tomorrow is the best day to exercise? You may be harming your health if you are procrastinating in such ways. So, no more excuses! You will benefit your health if you're proactive today so call your doctor, get off the sofa, and do something that will protect your health instead of hurting it.