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4 Things You Should Have Before You Set Off On Any Car Journey

Whether you’re going to work, to run some errands, or going somewhere a little more exciting, it’s good to be prepared for the journey ahead. Usually, you’ll know where you’re going - which is a great start. But what about some of the other practical things you should do when driving?

Being a prepared driver means being a responsible driver. Here are four things you should have before you set off on any car journey.

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1. Great insurance and roadside assistance

You can’t underestimate the value of good car insurance. Make sure you have comprehensive coverage from your provider that covers everything you need. You should also have roadside assistance to make sure you can get help on the road when you need it.

Many people opt for the cheapest vehicle insurance, but cheapest doesn’t always mean the best. Read advice on how to buy car insurance to help you find the best policy for your car.  

2. Enough gas in the tank

Having enough gas in the tank is a basic requirement for driving, but it’s surprising how many people run out of gas when they’re on the road. While you might decide to fill up when your tank is close to being empty, this doesn’t just mean bad news for your journey, but for your car too. Running on empty puts your car at risk of damage, costing you much more than filling up would have. Make sure you have enough gas to get to where you need to go or fill up at the nearest station.

3. Some emergency supplies

Having some emergency supplies in the trunk of your car could save your life. But on a less life-threatening note, having some essentials in your car could help you in a lot of ways. Some key things to keep in your emergency vehicle kit include:

  • Comfortable shoes

  • Some warm and waterproof clothing

  • A power bank for your phone

  • Food and water

  • First aid kit

  • Flashlight

Check your kit regularly to make sure you have everything you need. 

4. Emergency contacts

Having some kind of accident or trouble on the road can be frightening. But if you have some numbers you know you can call, you’ll be able to get the help you need. Having someone who lives nearby you can call can get someone to be with you quickly while having your insurance details to hand is also important.

Once you’ve processed what’s happened, you should then get in touch with car accident lawyers to help you claim compensation for any injuries you might’ve suffered. Try to write down the details of what’s happened to the best of your recollection to help you with any legal processes later on.

Being a responsible driver means not only staying safe on the road but keeping yourself safe too. Avoid common driving mistakes and make sure you’re prepared ahead of every journey to help you drive with more confidence.