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Top Energy-Boosting Alternatives to Your Morning Coffee

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Do you find yourself in a slump most mornings, desperately reaching for the coffee before you do anything else? Whether you are tired of your boring coffee routine in the mornings, or it is causing you too much anxiety, headaches, or jitters in the day, then perhaps you need an alternative to boost your energy.

Here are some top energy-boosting alternatives to try the next time you wake up, instead of your coffee.  

#1 Fruit 

Fruit is loaded with minerals, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, which can give you an instant energy boost. They are easy on your digestive system and are great for increasing your metabolism first thing. Some of the best, energy-boosting fruit to have include raspberry, blackberries, and blueberries. Alternatively, you could pop your fruit into your smoothie for breakfast, or enjoy a warm glass of lemon water. 

#2 Yoga 

Yoga is often seen as a practice for invoking calm and relaxation into your life, however, yoga can be used in many different ways. Firstly, starting your morning off with slow yoga will enable your body to wake up gently, keep you calm and centered, while releasing any tension. This in itself can put you in a much better mood already. There are also practices in yoga that were designed to increase your energy levels. This can be found in certain asanas such as easy pose, cobra, upward facing dog, and downward-facing dog, as well as breathing techniques such as Nadi shodana and bastrika breath. 

#3 High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT training is ideal because it is a high burst of exercise in a short amount of time, making it much easier to fit into any routine. It is also an excellent way to increase your energy in the morning, as the intense exercise gets your blood flowing, increases your core temperature, and releases endorphins, cortisol, oxygen, and nutrients, which all contribute to a boost of energy, not just for the morning, but for the rest of the day. 

#4 CBD Oil 

CBD has become a popular item on the market in recent years, and there are many reasons why. One of these is the boost of focus and energy it can supply you with. Some CBD products specifically help you with tiredness and fatigue, which is a great alternative for your morning coffee, to supply you with energy without the jitters. It also helps you with long-term energy, as CBD is also used for things like sleep, stress, and anxiety. So as those areas in your life improve, so will your overall energy levels. 

A good routine, and an alternative to coffee, can have the same power as a cup of coffee and provide you with that well-needed energy boost in the morning, without the shakes or anxiety that comes with it. When you first swap out your cup of coffee, you will need to be consistent with your new practice if you want it to be sustainable, because your body needs time to get used to it.

#5 Gundry MD’s Energy Renew

Energy Renew is a product of Gundry MD that comes in a powered state and is classified as a “reds” type supplement. By providing a range of polyphenols, it increases energy levels. This plant-based supplement is well-reviewed as a way to get you moving.