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Daily Exercises to Build a Healthy Body Image as an Adult

With age often comes a certain knowledge and acceptance of ourselves, something we simply hadn’t had when we were younger. However, the new changes our bodies go through each decade tend to present a number of challenges when it comes to our body image, not only damaging our confidence, but also leading us down negative trains of thought that can even cause feelings of depression and anxiety. To battle those issues and construct a healthier, more positive body image, here are some daily exercises that might help:

Show appreciation for your body

When it comes to building a more positive body image, a wonderful place to start is by changing your mindset. For instance, instead of criticizing any small imperfections that you don’t like about your physical appearance, try to focus on those incredible things that your body allows you to do every day. Appreciate the fact that your skilled legs allowed you to finish your jogging routine this morning, or that your strong hands helped you to carry around both your child and several bags of groceries today. Once you start seeing your body in a more objectively positive light, your mindset will follow as well.

Aim to lead a healthier lifestyle

As we age, our bodies might not be quite as fit and strong as they were in the pinnacle of youth. But even though that is a completely natural aspect of life, it tends to present a number of challenges concerning our body image. For that reason, it might be a good idea to create a moderate exercise routine you could follow each day, and opt for a healthier, more nutritious daily diet. Don’t let your goal be losing weight or achieving an unrealistic body standard, but rather aim to simply live a healthier lifestyle. With healthy habits like good diet and physical activity will also come energizing, uplifting and more positive emotions, as well as improved self-esteem.

Accept menopausal changes

Although we are more progressive as a society than ever, menopause is still largely considered to be a taboo subject. However, menopausal women go through a number of changes during this period, both hormonal and emotional, which often lead to a negative body image. Whether it’s due to sudden fatigue, mood swings and difficulties sleeping, or even unexpected weight gain, women in menopause are among the biggest groups of adults struggling with confidence and self-love. If you are currently going through menopause as well, it would be wise to consider including beneficial menopausal supplements into your diet, which will help you manage the negative side effects of menopause more easily. Also, this practice will allow you to feel better and more comfortable in your body.

Stop comparing yourself to others

Another thing that causes a negative body image for many is the fact that our body and sex appeal change as we age as well. However, the worst thing you could do to your self-confidence is to start comparing yourself to others, especially if that means constantly looking at “perfect” young people with the “ideal body”. Instead, aim to recognize the more objectively positive aspects of other people, whether it’s their beautiful smile or their warmth and kindness. Then, make it a point to compliment them on these traits, as this small act of kindness will make you both feel better about yourselves.

Have a positive support group

It’s much simpler to have a positive view of your body and your personality when you are surrounded by wonderful, uplifting and supportive people. Whether it’s your close friends, family members or even neighbors, try to surround yourself only with positive people who recognize the importance of being kind to yourself, and who love you just the way you are. Not only will the genuine compliments you receive from them allow you to construct a healthier body image over time, but their mere presence might make you feel happier and more self-assured on a daily basis.

Never give up on your goals

The road to a healthy body image is a long and challenging one, and is bound to come with certain setbacks, like those days when you simply don’t like anything you see in the mirror. However, it’s important to remember that this is not reality, but rather a temporary issue. Try to battle those days by listening to uplifting music, reading a body-positive book, or even by repeating some body-positive affirmations. No matter what you choose to do, aim to find inspiration and motivation that will allow you to get right back on track, and achieve your ultimate goal – building a healthy and positive body image.

Even though it might take some time and effort, achieving a healthier body image is still possible, regardless of your age. By practicing these wonderful exercises, you will be able to construct a kinder and more positive view of yourself, allowing you to build confidence and self-love over time.