Here Is How You Can Treat Parasites
There are certain parasites which are present in the human body. They are organisms which live off another organism and it includes roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and many others which live inside and outside your body. Parasites are present everywhere but there are some nasty ones which cause infections in the body.
Symptoms of parasitic infection
Weight loss
If you are trying to lose weight, weight loss is a good thing but if it suddenly happens, it might be a cause of worry. A number of diseases can cause such an occurrence and parasites should be ruled out. A type of parasite, tapeworm lives inside the intestine and absorbs the food that you consume. This might lead to loss of weight because the nutrients will not reach your bloodstream. But weight loss by itself cannot tell you much about the parasite inside your body. However, if you notice that you are losing weight and experiencing frequent stomach upset and vomiting, you might have a parasitic infection.
Stomach upset
If there is a parasitic infection in your intestine, you will find yourself going to the bathroom very frequently. You might be suffering from a diarrhea which is a very common parasitic disease. It affects a number of people in the United States and it latches on your small intestine which then causes symptoms like watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas and dehydration.
Skin rash
There are some parasites that can get into the body through your skin. You will notice skin rashes, eczema, hives and even rosacea if you have a parasitic infection. The one associated with the skin rash is known as the roundworm. They get inside your body when the skin comes in contact with contaminated surfaces but usually it is soil. You will also be infected if you walk around barefoot in the dirt. They can bore in your skin and cause an itchy patch. It is best to visit a doctor immediately when you notice it. The doctor might recommend parasite cleansing supplements after running a few tests.
Incase of a parasitic infection, you will suffer from fatigue and exhaustion most of the time. This is because the intestinal parasites extract the nutrients from your food before they are absorbed by the body and they can cause lack of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration and also vomiting. It will lead to deficiency in the energy giving nutrients in the body. There are also many other kinds of parasites which are present in the blood that attack the red blood cells and cause a shortage of oxygen in the body which leads to fatigue.
Difficulty in breathing
There are parasites which are outside your intestine and they live in the lungs. They lead to coughing and shortness of breath. There is a disease known as paragonimiasis which is caused by flatworms known as a lung fluke. It enters the lungs through the diaphragm where it lays eggs. Should you suspect that there is an issue with your lungs, you may wish to arrange to see a pulmonologist in order to get your breathing checked out and see what is recommended in order to get you well again.
Ways to treat the infection
The best way to deal with an infection is to not get one. Infection Prevention is strongly recommended.
If you notice an infection, you need to book an appointment with the doctor. You will have to answer questions about travel history in order to identify where the infection came from. The doctor might carry out tests in order to ascertain the parasite which you are struggling with. It could be a blood test or a stool test based on the symptoms. You should remember that most infections are treatable and you can get rid of them through supplements. They help eliminate the parasites with minimal side effects. You can also combat the effect of parasites in the gut through healthy nutritional choices.
Parasites are easy to treat but it is best to reduce the risk of getting infected in the first place. If you go to a country where parasites are present, you need to exercise caution especially with water and food. Stay away from infected water, do not eat raw food and do not touch any contaminated surfaced like bathroom handles. You should not walk barefoot or swim in suspicious water bodies. If you visit countries where parasites are common, you should remain cautious.
Do not worry if you get sick because you can treat a parasitic infection and it is not life threatening. However, you should not ignore or overlook the symptoms. It is best to identify the cause of the infection and get it treated in the right manner. You need to make healthy dietary decisions and ensure that you wash your hands at all times.